What We’re Playing This Week – End of January Edition

By the Last Token Gaming Staff Jake – Yoshi’s Island (SNES) – I’m going to play Yoshi’s Island for the sake of playing my entire backlog of SNES games. And for the sake of reliving my childhood that I had lived. When I want to take a break from playing retro games, I plan on continuing…




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By the Last Token Gaming Staff


JakeYoshi’s Island (SNES) – I’m going to play Yoshi’s Island for the sake of playing my entire backlog of SNES games. And for the sake of reliving my childhood that I had lived. When I want to take a break from playing retro games, I plan on continuing playing Dante’s Inferno to help complete the game.


IsaacBinding of Isaac Expansion (Steam) – I’m being honest here for the sake of good journalism. I’ve literally only been playing The Binding of Isaac expansion. There are a ton of new things to explore, and since I never completed the original achievements, I’m going for broke and trying to get every single item. It’s a marathon with equal parts triumph and frustration (actually, a lot more frustration than triumph). A couple of games on my to-do list, however, are my long-overdue playthrough of Braid, and a similar (but newer) puzzle platformer, Disorder. I also took a brief reprieve from Binding to play the new title Pony Island. It’s worth a  couple hours of your time! Check it out!


Terry – FallOut 4 (Xbox One), FNAF Series – I know, my game I’m playing hasn’t changed for the most part. Still keeping myself focused on getting through FallOut as part of the Backlog Challenge I’ve made for myself. However, in the moments of wanting a break from the Commonwealth, I’ve decided it’s time to take on a series I’ve talked heavily with people on, and watched…but haven’t completed. I’ll be working on that Five Nights at Freddy’s series to get it out of the way. God speed.