Last Token Gaming’s Top 5 Anticipated Games for 2018

Happy New Years to all of our readers from us at Last Token Gaming! Gaming can be fun and relaxing but it’s hard not to always be excited for the future. With a new year just starting out we here at Last Token Gaming are looking forward to not only new upcoming games, but games…





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Happy New Years to all of our readers from us at Last Token Gaming!
Gaming can be fun and relaxing but it’s hard not to always be excited for the future. With a new year just starting out we here at Last Token Gaming are looking forward to not only new upcoming games, but games we aren’t even sure are gonna release this year, but also with the info about online games like for example the info that you can check at We certainly hope they can be so we are keeping our fingers crossed for the best outcome, we are also very excited since pogo, one of our favorite games nos has a pogo customer care number available for all the players . Here’s some of our personal top 5 most anticipated picks for games in 2018. If you like Slots games you need to check the info from metrostatefinancial.

Terry Randolph

  • Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption will fall into my Top 5 games of all time. This was a game I     bought for myself on my birthday with little to no expectations and found myself captivated by it for months. People this year will be focused on new years resolutions, but check out these fit gamers. From the powerful narrative, to the phenomenal open world, and fantastic gameplay, Red Dead Redemption was the almost epitome of a perfect video game experience. Undead Nightmare was a perfect add on DLC content for the game, and the multiplayer was almost as fun as its single player counterpart. I’m pretty sure I didn’t put down this game for months. So when Red Dead Redemption 2 was announced, I was elated. This is, beyond a doubt, a day one purchase for me. I have been waiting for an announcement for a sequel from the moment I finished the first game. I get the feeling I might be calling in sick from work to play this on release day.

  • Kingdom Hearts 3

It’s safe to say fans of the beloved series have been waiting for a third proper installment since 2006 when it was first announced with the Playstation 3. Since that announcement, the series has seen seven other iterations taking place within various moments of the Kingdom Hearts timeline. These games have been ranging from the PSP’s Birth By Sleep, to Kingdom Hearts 3DS, and to the recent Kingdom Hearts 3 prologue Chapter 2.8. Suffice to say, from what’s been presented so far, the game is looking to shape up as yet another solid entry into the franchise. While it will be sad to see the Dark Seeker Saga come to an end, it will be fun to play the concluding tale for Sora and company. But, if you are a gamer like me and you are looking for the best idle games android to pass the time? Our guide covers the best idle and clickers game on Android.

  • The Last of Us 2

The Last of Us was an amazing swan song to the end of the Playstation 3 era, and a     game that easily deserves to be in any video game Hall of Fame. This game is beautiful    and intricate, from the design of the gaming mechanics to the very touching story, I always recommend to be as most comfortable as possible when playing games, this gaming chair selection by ProductExpert will make sure of that. From beginning to end, the powerful dynamic between Joel and Ellie is profoundly poignant, and the powerful story of redemption and forgiveness is bolstered by phenomenal voice acting performances. If I had to recommend only one Naughty Dog game for anyone to play, it will always be The Last of Us hands down. The sequel is looking to continue providing unflinching storytelling, this time through the eyes of an older, harder Ellie. Though there isn’t much known about the story, it’s hard to not get very excited for the sequel.

  • God of War

God of War is a game series I enjoy more for the gameplay than I do for the story because the stories, while steep in mythology, are insanely bonkers but well done. That said, my favorite entries aren’t the proper titles, but actually the PSP title God of War: Ghost of Sparta. The game had emotional weight, providing more insight into Kratos’ rage and vow for vengeance against the Greek Gods. It showed that amidst all the steroids-looking aggression and rage, Kratos had other emotions. The new God of War looks to humanize Kratos even more, making him a father. It’ll be interesting to see how the Norse mythology route will play out for the series, but I’m still excited.

  • Marvel’s Spiderman

The real question: how can anyone not be excited for this game? Insomniac Games is known for creating some amazing games, and the new Spiderman is looking to be another notch in their library. The gameplay, artistic design, and sound composition all feel like they are naturally part of the Spiderman universe. I cannot wait to get my hands on this game and play the web slinging superhero!

Honorable Mention:

Monster Hunter World

I would have this on my list of Top 5…if the game supported Cross  play with the PS4 and PC (like Portal 2). Unfortunately, it does not. Still, Monster Hunter World is looking to be a fun, exciting multiplayer experience with friends.

Jake Rushing

  • Kingdom Hearts 3

I first jumped into Kingdom Hearts when I got myself a PS3 via 1.5 HD remix. I watched some Let’s Play videos of Kingdom Hearts to pump myself for the game, and I was really pleased when I finally played through Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. It was a magical in many ways that I can’t explain. There’s really nothing that I can say that has already been said about the series. Even before I jumped on Kingdom Hearts, I got excited over the first announcement for Kingdom Hearts 3. I’m excited over every reveal Square Enix has done, and I get excited over every hint dropped on the release date window. If signs of their release window indicate of anything, I hope that I can get my hands on the game before the holidays! This will be a fun way to finish 2018, whether this year turns out well for me or otherwise.

  • Marvel’s Spiderman

There is nothing that I can say that Terry hasn’t said already. The game looks promising, their E3 trailer looks awesome. It’s shaping up to be a solid experience by Insomniac Games. This will be one of the two games that I’ll pick up upon release next year (next to Kingdom Hearts 3). Everything about this game shapes up to be a game perfect to whet any Spiderman fan’s appetite. Art, Peter Parker’s disposition, bad guy action, this game might just have all of it!

  • Mega Man 11

    Earlier this month, Capcom has surely rolled out a few pleasant surprises. Mega Man 11 is definitely the announcement that has caught my attention. They showcased a few elements that were not previously done in previous flagship Mega Man titles, and those turned out to be awesome. And the 2.5D graphics and art are sure a delight to ponder on! I just hope that this game turns out to be as well as the trailer that they rolled out!

  • Project Octopath Traveller

It is rare for me for a revealed non-Pokemon RPG to grab my interest in a way that makes me think that it might have potential to be a fantastic game. When I saw the first trailer for this game, I was really intrigued on how this game will play out. The overall art direction that they took for this game really grabbed my attention. I was really more interested in playing each of the 8 protagonists and see how their stories unfold. I am very curious to see how I can use the abilities of each character and use them to help advance the story. The battle system also looks like it won’t be just another RPG title. All and all, Project Octopath Traveller has much potential, and I might even start playing this game when I get back from my Courtyard Hutchinson Island Oceanside vacation.

  • Pokemon Switch title

Ok ok ok I know. Yes, they only announced that there is a Pokemon game for the Switch in development, and that’s all they said. But they also said it’s coming out in 2018 or later. So you know what? That’s good enough for put this game on my list! If the Switch has more powerful specs than 3DS, imagine what they can do in a Pokemon game that they couldn’t squeeze in previous games. Just that idea alone gets me excited for this game. If they are not planning to release this game next year, then at least they will spill more beans about this game. Maybe next month’s Nintendo Direct? Or maybe their E3 announcement? Only time will tell!

Honorable Mention:

Psychonauts 2

I keep forgetting about Psychonauts. The first Psychonauts game wasn’t the game that I expected myself to jump into. I really enjoyed the experience that they had. Then again, what can you expect from Double Fine to whip up another quirky yet fun adventure. The story and concept is really interesting, and the ending surely makes you desire for more Psychonauts! I really can’t wait to see what else they have, and I do hope that Psychonauts 2 turns out just as well as the first one!

Sean Willis

Normally I wait for steep sales before I even pick up a new game, especially with 2017’s loot box’s and the constant DLC add-ons that get packaged together for a “game of the year” version anyway. Though I think 2018 is full of promise, especially in the indie scene where I think we’ll get some really nice sleeper hits and games coming out of early access. Maybe a few that have been slow to release for years but I have a feeling this year will hit us square in the face, erm, in a good way.

(temp. Frogotto, Daytona 3, Shenmue3, Ghost of a Tale, 90’s Arcade Racer, Racing Apex, Kaze and the Wild Masks, Super Tony Land

  • Ghost of a Tale

I’ve been watching this game since I first saw a small glimpse of it years back and since it hit Steam Early Access I’ve been dying to throw money at it. I eventually managed to grab a copy off Humble Bundle with a DRM free version for cheap which makes me feel a little bad cause the small amount available in the game simply looks like it came straight out of a book I read as a kid. The dark atmosphere with the classic semi realistic style of a Mouse um, bard or minstrial I suppose and those darn mouse eyes simply really got to me. Tons of charm but most importantly it’s said to be finished with all its content this year. I can’t even run it on my current machine but I’m looking forward to more places to explore in the game, more bugs to pick up and hopefully a bit of a combat as much as the stealth mechanics do work well so far. With other mouse protagonist games coming around the horizon I put my chips on this one being the one with the most charm and style and I’m excited to see it finish. More so if it also gets expansions/sequel later on as I know I’m gonna want more no matter how much content there already is so fingers crossed.

  • Racing Apex

I love arcade racers and arcade style games however many games that try to do the old style will often try to be too modern. Say Sky Rogue for instance which I think could do with an arcade mode and some voices though still a great game with an old school polygonal look and feel for a jet fighter game. Racing Apex however seems to be a refreshing attempt at the true classic arcade style as my talks with them on Twitter have them reassuring me the game won’t just be another over modernized game with an old school look. It’s still yet to be see as I remain a little skeptical but I’m still looking forward to the game as a racing alone even if it isn’t perfect. Still something as simple as some checkpoints and a timer seem to  put me at ease knowing it’ll have the racing game feel I’m looking for. Not to mention it has that low polygon count look down rather well which just makes me wanna play Virtua Racing game again so hopefully it’ll be released in some form this year before I can manage to drag an old arcade cabinet into my house due to my overwhelming anticipation for a good newly made and fresh arcade like racer, I still can put the arcade in anyways because I need to finish fix the floors that I’m applying ceramics with a guide online that teach you how to mix and apply grout from zero to finish.

  • Kaze and the Wild Masks

Another game I’ve had the pleasure of talking with the developers about on Twitter. Simply put its an old school platformer inspired platforming game with touches of Donkey Kong Country and many other well designed classics for inspiration. I was rather critical with them on Twitter but what they’ve shown off has been quite a ton of improvement and showed me they truly have their heads stuck in the idea of what makes a good platformer. I nit pick little things like slopes, floating platforms and the overused double jump all the time but from what I’ve seen the design has been very thoughtful and avoids those three things I tend to harp on modern platformers for. Not to mention it has some elements and mechanics to it that should keep it rather fresh like the whole thing with the masks and little touches I love like weather effects that change at different times. I simply hope to see this game done this year and I’m excited to see how it’ll turn out in the end.

  • Super Tony Land

Robot Loves kitty makers of Tiny Plumbers and Legend of Dungeon not to mention who runs a rather entertaining live stream of their work has been at work at a Mario Maker like game for some time. In fact they’ve been streaming the development process all last year which has been quite interesting a watch. Especially if your into Unity game engine development. After playing Mario Maker I always found myself completely bored with their lack of items tools or advanced customization and it just leaves me wanting something more to play with. I know its meant to be for ease of use but I have more of a game designers sense and I just need more while being able to share that with friends and famliy too. From what I’ve seen I feel Super Tony Land will fill that void. It uses a lot of physics for all kinds of silly things but it has a strange mix of features that I’m looking forward to seeing the community play with soon. I think it’ll fill the gap of Mario Maker like games on Steam and improve on the concept in more interesting ways only an indie dev such as themselves can do.

  • 90’s Arcade Racer

I mentioned this game way back in our 2015 article and I’m still hoping the game gets finished this year too. I have a feeling it might even with it’s publisher starting to actually say things about it. Not much info on the KickStarter either but the dev seems honest from how much I’ve spoken to him so far and it’s clear he’s still at it. Just really quiet about it. The game looks like a great arcade racer that could rival Racing Apex and even Daytona 3 easily. Funny though since the project started way before the two even existed. I feel I can trust the developer enough and the publisher didn’t give up on it so fingers crossed we get a release this year or at least some more footage.

Honorable mentions.


Released on Desura (once defunct but, appears to be back again) and still awaiting release on Steam via the old Steam Green Light it’s well, been a long time since then. I’m hoping the game can actually be finished sometime though who knows if this year would be it. Generally its a rather impressive PS1/Saturn area plat former that has an almost Rayman classic feel to it while doing it’s own thing rather well. Most don’t even know it exists or existed but I’m saying this right now, I sincerely hope it will be finished and released on Steam this year, I’ve been waiting for it a long time and it’s certainly a gem of a game already.

Daytona 3

With the recent news of this game getting accidentally leaked online and playable on PC (without controls though, fans will fix that soon I bet) I have my fingers crossed SEGA makes the best of the attention around the incident and retools it for a PC release. I’d still run to an arcade to play it but I need my Daytona arcade racing fix on my PC in an official form I can pay them money for. I doubt it’ll happen but I know the fans and myself want it badly. My money SEGA, take it already.

Shenmue 3

Dunno when they’ll finish it but reminds me I need to play and finish the first two games. Hoping at the least we can get Shenmue 1 and 2 re-released on PC and consoles this year while we wait or even after the third game is done. Might not finish in time for this year but I hope we at least see more of something as I’ve been trying to catch up on the unfinished series for so long. I even have a slightly broken copy of the first game I found that, sorta kinda works. I just hope the adventure/fighting/quick time event game can be finished the way it needs to me.

Astro Kat a Catventure game (that the full name? I think it’s a name in progress)

Another developer and game I found on Twitter. The dev has been posting art tutorials and showing off all kinds of fancy shaders all last year. I remain a bit critical about how the game might turn out gameplay wise but the art is hard not to be amazed by. Keeping a rather colorful look which we see rather rarely these days the 3D adventure platformer/action game should turn out to be pretty nice. Again with this one, no clue if it’ll be out this year but I look forward to seeing more of it.

With that, we hope you all have a great start of the year and a great year all together!
Get out there and game,sounds like it’s gonna be a good year.