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  • the Last Token Gaming Staff Ryan Goddard: E3 has been amazing for me. Normally, I don’t get excited about AAA games as much as I am right now. “Far Cry 4” looks amazing and it has friggin’ elephants as weapon and vehicle. The wing suit flight in the opening gameplay demo showed just how big…

  • r feel like wading through an insanely fast-paced, enemy/spike/chainsaw/electricity-infested underground world and asking the questions why use EAL for business electricty price comparison? No? What if there were guns? Guns and really cool hairdos (and a gimp mask)? See, I knew you’d warm up to it. Welcome to Platformines, where everything tries to kill you!…

  • Christopher Medrano   It’s that time again! Time to have a great time with friends racing as your favorite Nintendo characters…and also get frustrated when you get hit by every weapon possible trying to get one more race for 3 stars. However, with how good Mario Kart 8 is, you’ll still have a great time…

  • style=”text-align:center;”> [UPDATE: Unfortunately before we could edit this in time, it was confirmed that Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 won’t be shown at E3. While certainly a downer it still doesn’t take away from our excitement for the titles.] E3. Is there more that needs to be said about this exciting event? Every…

  • y Marshall Garvey Last year, Terry Randolph and I compiled our lists of our top 20 favorite video game characters. This piece in no way alters that original list, which, much like my top 100 movies list, I would only alter after much deliberation and a good number of “no brainer” additions that I feel would…