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  • uit Flash games a while ago. Downloaded “the patch,” so to speak. A long time ago, Flash games used to be it. They were the reason we bypassed our middle school’s crappy security system. We proxied and anonymized our way into sites like Newgrounds, FreeAddictingGames (it’s addictive, you fools!), or more recently sites like Kongregate…

  • Terry Randolph It is the year 1987, and the company you’ve founded and poured your heart into is about to go bankrupt. In your hands is the product that will be the last chance at creating your magnum opus. If the game sells, you’ve saved your company and can continue living the dream. If it…

  • everyone, time for our bi-weekly discussions over here at Last Token Gaming. For this discussion we have Brett, Amanda, Sigi, Chris and Terry talking about Titanfall Beta Impressions, Batman Arkham Origins dev news, Flappybird, and more. We hope you enjoy

  • t-based games? Nobody plays those anymore. That’s why we have graphics! I don’t want to read “Master Chief splattered a Covenant grunt on the side of his Banshee,” I want to see it in all its splattery detail! There’s a lot to be said for super-pristine graphics with each hair on your character’s head being…

  • dir=”ltr”>Original post: Welcome back everyone! On my last post, I talked about a game that I made for Global Game Jam that wasn’t accessible to the public. I also mentioned that I would participate through another game jam and make a game that is more accessible to everyone. Well guess what? That’s what I…