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  • By Christopher Medrano Developer: Old School Games Publisher: Atlus Rated: T for Teen Platforms: Xbox Live Arcade (Reviewed Version), Playstation Network, PC Price: 800 Ms (XBLA), $10.00 PSN & PC Release Date: July 17, 2013 First, I would like to say I had never heard of RIPD (Rest in Peach Department) until the trailer came…

  • Violence has been hotly debated when it comes to video games. Is there really a correlation? Could it be something else? Or do we have enough data to prove anything? By Terry Randolph Ah, the beautiful, beautiful marriage of sensationalism and news, something so common that is also a travesty. It is always interesting to…

  • By Terry Randolph and Chris Medrano Developer: Telltale Games   Publisher: Telltale Games  Rated: M for Mature Available: Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, PC, iOS   MSRP: $4.99 Release Date: July 2 (Playstation Network), July 3 (PC), July 5 (Xbox Live Arcade), July 11 (iOS App Store) Warning: Heavy Spoilers throughout the discussion. We also played…

  • By Chris Medrano Developer: High Moon Studios    Publisher: Activision     Rated: M for Mature Systems: Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC   MSRP: 49.99 Console, 39.99 PC Warning: Contains spoilers for Deadpool game When I first heard about the Deadpool game and saw the trailer, I thought the game looks amazing and fun. Then again trailers can be…

  • The ultimate swan-song to the PS3 and to fans of the console. By Terry Randolph Developer: Naughty Dog Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment System: Playstation 3 Release Date: June 14, 2013 MSRP: $59.99 Very few games have kept me glued to my seat, playing non-stop into the early hours of the morning only to stop from sheer…