News Articles

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  • Since its foundation in 2013, Last Token Gaming has proudly been a part of the local game development scene in Sacramento, CA during its exponential growth. That mission only expanded in 2018, when we were recruited to help produce GPU the Show, a variety show that covers all aspects of gaming culture, including the local…

  • Marshall Garvey: Hello everyone, and welcome to another installment of Last Token Gaming’s interview series! Today we are joined by a very, very special guest, Patrick Hickey Jr. He’s a Brooklyn-based gaming journalist, yet “gaming journalist” is but one way he can be referred to. A renaissance man if ever there was one, Patrick is…

  • By Marshall Garvey A Devil of a Gamble, and One Hell of a Triumph Year in and year out, developers and players across the world hunger for the next big thing. When E3 convenes every June (well…almost every June), the hype machine kicks into overdrive for the next title that promises bigger worlds, crisper graphics,…

  • By Marshall Garvey As video games continue to soar as a cultural juggernaut, now making more money as an industry than both the film and music ones combined, the need for books that aptly compile their history grows accordingly. Not just any kind of book, but more specifically big books, the kind of exhaustive tomes…

  • By Michael Ros   SPOILER ALERT FOR THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. First off, let me preface this by saying that I know this film had so much stacked against it. Carrie Fisher’s tragic passing created an impossible hurdle that, if handled wrong, would really cripple the film. Fan expectations were…