by Jake Rushing
Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Or just welcome to the newcomers of this blog!
I have taken a month-long break to wrap up my programming apprenticeship, work on my side-projects, enjoy the holidays, apply for many job postings, and even work on programming problems that I need to do in order to move forward with my job candidacy with a few companies. But no worries, I haven’t forgotten about you guys!
Now to introduce myself to Last Token Gaming followers, I am Jake Rushing, a recent graduate from UC Santa Cruz. I graduated in June 2013 with a degree in Computer Science: Computer Game Design. Which means I can make games! a certain extent. As I can contribute in most areas of game development, my main specialty is a programmer, so roughly 90% of my work is done by code. As I studied game development and programming, I looked into other areas of development, such as Web and Android, which led to my interest in other technologies. I hope that one day I can be a self-sufficient game developer as well as being knowledgeable in other areas such as hardware, back-end web development, and maybe music composer for games. Kinda like the jack of all trades kind of guy.
On the side, I am a self-proclaimed independent game developer, which means that I may write a article in regards of the development of my projects here and there. But since I just got a job offer in the San Jose area (a little to far for commute), I may have to put that on hold until I get settled down from moving and from starting my new job. On the bright side, I may have more time to work on my side projects than usual in comparison to my previous situation (living at home and looking for a job), so you’ll see my first post on independent software development in the near future.
Speaking of which, I am currently working on two side projects right now. One of them is an android app that it is still in concept phase. As for the other project, I am working on the prototype of a game idea that I wanted to work with for a while. I can’t reveal what it is yet, as I want to keep it a little quiet for now until the prototype is ready for the public. I can say that I want to release this game on Steam Greenlight and hopefully on both Android and iOS devices.
That is about all I have to say for now. Like The Last Token Gaming page por favor and enjoy this super corgi! I’ll see you guys soon!
My other blog, Jake of All Trades, is here.