Author: Marshall Garvey
Exciting News: Last Token Gaming is Heading to Television!!!
By Marshall Garvey For over five years now, Last Token Gaming has brought fans top-notch, heartfelt articles and videos covering all facets of gaming. Of course, an indispensable part of that has been our dedication to promoting the outstanding local gaming scene in Sacramento, our hometown starting with the argent gta game. That we’ve grown…
5 Years of Last Token Gaming – Lead Editor Marshall Garvey looks back
By Marshall Garvey Well, how about that? Last Token Gaming – the website that I and over 20 others have poured immeasurable amounts of love, passion, and work into – just turned five years old this past Thursday, June 14. I hate to make a reference that’s both antiquated and cliched, but to alter a Grateful Dead…
Every Steven Spielberg Movie Ranked Worst to Best
By Marshall Garvey Of the hundreds upon thousands who have sat in the director’s chair, few, if any, can claim a filmography as rich and varied as that of Steven Allan Spielberg. While known primarily as the architect of the summer blockbuster, a thorough dive into his body of work shows he’s just as adept…
Microtransaction Mishaps – Horse Armor (“Oblivion”)
By Marshall Garvey “Microtransaction” seems more and more like a dirty word in gaming these days. All too frequently, the headlines are dominated by the latest news of companies swindling consumers, or releasing incomplete games that will lazily be patched in with overpriced DLC later on. We’ve discussed some of the worst recent cases in…
Spielberg Month Special Review – “Firewatch”/”Always”
By Marshall Garvey Before we begin, let me acknowledge the obvious: Firewatch, the highly acclaimed 2016 mystery adventure game, is not in any way based on or affiliated with something made by Steven Spielberg. Given its premise, it seems as suited for Spielberg Month as soy sauce on a chocolate cake. After all, it’s a…
The Ultimate Spielberg Quote Challenge! (First Prize claimed, two remain!)
UPDATE – We just received a first prize entry, but the second and third prizes are still available. Send your answers ASAP to get either a Ready Player One book or a Steam gift card! Steven Spielberg’s films have given us bundles of unforgettable quotes over the years. But just how well do YOU know your…
Come join the Sacramento Developers Collective Discord!
In the past five years, Sacramento has steadily blossomed into a name city for video game development. With a host of talented devs, and a tight-knit community that supports and facilitates them endlessly, it’s easy to see why. That this evolution for the Sac gaming scene has been commensurate with Last Token Gaming’s existence is…
Announcing Spielberg Month’s May Extension!
By Marshall Garvey So first off, I know the original plan for Last Token Gaming’s Spielberg Month was to contain it to just April. I thought this made sense because A) it would be one whole month, and B) it tied in most ideally with the opening month of Ready Player One. However, recent circumstances have…
Spielberg Month Review – The Adventures of Tintin (Xbox 360)
By Marshall Garvey There’s nothing quite like a good adventure to get the blood pumping. Outside of pre-1999 George Lucas and early-to-mid 2000’s Peter Jackson, no filmmaker has taken us for greater adventures than Steven Spielberg. Obviously, the Indiana Jones franchise is the primary example that comes to mind. Yet in a way, a majority of…
Spielberg Filming Locations Map
By Marshall Garvey Having made 32 (and counting) movies going back to 1971, it’s no surprise Steven Spielberg’s diverse array of projects have necessitated filming locations that span the entire globe. Below is an interactive Google Map with at least one location for each of his movies, from Montana to New Zealand and more!