Category: Commentary
Knowing when to Ragequit: the Difficulty Curve
Hey, folks! Happy Holidays, if that’s still something people say. I’ve been getting a hair more gaming done, with the holiday season in full tilt. Not to turn this into a “What We’re Playing This Week: Isaac’s Lonely Edition”, but two games I’ve been spending a deal of time on are Darkest Dungeon and Starbound.…
Reflections – Benefits of Email Marketing for Small Businesses
Email marketing allows small businesses to reach their target audience directly. Here are the six biggest benefits of email marketing. Email marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to reach your small business’s target audience. Email marketing offers a high return on investment and is straightforward way to automate your marketing efforts. To get started with…
Why we need the Game Grumps
Man, being a kid growing up in the 90’s was great. You had your walkmans, the GameBoy (with its monstrous 4 AA batteries), shows like ReBoot and the original Poke’mon series… I get series nostalgia for the era of technology’s awkward growing pains! Everything today is so sleek, so elegantly designed, but back then, it…
When is a game a challenge, or just frustrating?
By Terry Randolph What defines a challenging game versus a game that’s just challenging? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself ever since picking up Rogue Continuum, which has culminated into one of the most frustrated gaming experiences I’ve had the “pleasure” of enjoying. Defining a challenging game is tough because it’s rather subjective; it’s…
Kickstarter: The Future of Video Games?
by Benjamin Fitzgerald Kickstarter has slowly begun to demand my attention. It started off small: a game here and a game there; an offhand comment in a casual conversation; a brief visit to the website half a year ago. Lately, however, I’ve been paying the highly successful crowd-funding company serious consideration. After reading Marshall Garvey’s…
Ingress, the Hololens, Sword Art Online and a whole bunch of hypothetical stuff.
By Isaac Smith I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited about the future of gaming. The ruminations began when I saw the Minecraft Hololens announcement. It blew my mind. Although it may not be a completely accurate description of what the user may experience, it was still pretty frickin’ amazing. Creating a holographic overlay…
How being murdered by zombies made me eat healthier.
By Isaac Smith Boy, lots of current events, news, critical opinions and stuff in the Last Token Gaming feed! Now, for something completely different, click here A while ago I wrote a post about Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. It’s a zombie survival game that, although it’s text-based, gives a pretty realistic scenario for what it’d…
Konami: A Betrayal or a New Leaf?
By the Last Token Gaming Staff Isaac: Mobile games are the future. There, I said it. I’m sorry if it made you cringe or throw things at the screen or call me bad things. Now, I’m going to spend the rest of this argument clarifying exactly what I mean and why I believe it. Consoles are…