Category: Reflections
Why I’ll never whistle Minecraft’s music on the way to work
Well, the real reason I won’t be whistling on my way to work is because I’m unemployed! #justmilennialthings I’m kidding, of course. Gainful employment is the statistically number one killer of blog post productivity, and that explains a lot about LTG! Many of our writers have gotten pretty steady gigs, and have to figure out the…
Poem – The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
By Dave De Leon (Editor’s Note: This is a guest piece written by a fan of ours, about the thrill of seeing the hallowed Nintendo PlayStation console in person after years of anticipation. Dave and a few of the staff had the chance to see (and play!) the actual hybrid console at Sac Gamers Expo…
What We Played This Year – 2016
By the Last Token Gaming Staff Look, we’re going to avoid the cliche: We know how awful 2016 was. It’s been repeated ad nauseum on your Facebook feed on a daily basis, so don’t expect us to walk you through it again here! Rather than lament what transpired throughout the calendar year, we’re sticking to…
Reflections – Benefits of Email Marketing for Small Businesses
Email marketing allows small businesses to reach their target audience directly. Here are the six biggest benefits of email marketing. Email marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to reach your small business’s target audience. Email marketing offers a high return on investment and is straightforward way to automate your marketing efforts. To get started with…
Video Game Violence – A Personal Reflection
Video games often get a bad rap. They are subjected constantly to a stream of criticism from many sources. They are accused of wasting time, encouraging violence or laziness, derided as simple entertainment – the list goes on. In particular, though, many people seem to believe that video game violence makes people violent. Sociologists and…
What We’re Playing This Week – First of June Edition
By the Last Token Gaming Staff Benjamin Fitzgerald – King of Dragon Pass, Star Trek: Armada, Long Live the Queen (PC) I’m still working on Icewind Dale II, and I’m approaching the last act of the game. However, I needed some different games to change the pace. King of Dragon Pass is an old game…
What is Speedrunning and Why I love It
*This is a freelance piece written by Cameron Mohr Gaming. When you think of gaming a specific image may form in your mind. You might be the type who remembers waking up on a Saturday morning to play your Nintendo 64 or your Playstation 2. You might forgo a console and stick with your PC…
Calling All Dreamers: Oblivion Comics & Coffee
Last Token Gaming has always been about two key beliefs: being objective in everything that we write, and supporting our local community. We’ve also always been about one other belief: to support our community in pursuing their passions. Here in Sacramento, there’s currently a contest going known as the “Calling All Dreamers” contest. From the…
Distraction, Memories and Escape – Why Games Like Firewatch and That Dragon, Cancer are Significant
I can’t recall the amount of times I’ve been asked for advice, or how each conversation begins and ends. However, I can remember the themes, motifs, and the glimmer of hope that somehow I’ve helped. I could tell you that each conversation started differently, but end almost at the same point: don’t try to escape…
Let the Challenge Begin – Backlog Challenge 2016
As I stated in the What We’re Playing This Week, I’ve decided to take on a challenge that I feel will definitely be hard to complete. Long ago, I had gone into a period where I thought I had no games to play (which is a lie, I’ll always have games to play) and decided…