Category: Nostalgia and Retro
Retro Review: “Windjammers” (1994, Data East, Neo Geo MVS)
By Michael Mygind Windjammers (or Flying Power Disk in Japan), published by Data East in 1994 for the NEO GEO MVS arcade, is basically air hockey with a Frisbee. The game has six selectable characters, each with their own strengths and skill levels. Each character represents a certain country, with most characters looking like hulking…
Foreign Favorites: Volume 2
By Michael Mygind This is another look at some games that we never saw a release for on our side of the world. This time around, I’ll be focusing on three action games on the Super Famicom, N64 and Sony PlayStation. Sengoku Densyo (1993, Data East, Super Famicom) Sengoku Densyo is the home port of…
Foreign Favorites – Volume 1
By Michael Mygind There are some awesome retro imports out there that a lot of people don’t know about. So, this is a feature that I’ll be writing from time to time to put a spotlight on some of great foreign games that I feel are worth checking out. I won’t go into great depth,…
Retro Review: “Truxton” (1989, Toaplan, Sega Genesis)
One of my all-time favorite genres is the scrolling shoot-em-up, commonly referred to as shmups. The feeling of drifting along, collecting power-ups and clearing everything in your path with a hail of gun-fire is an exhilarating experience. Being a fan of a genre, it’s always a pleasure to discover new classics that might’ve added a…
Retro Review: “Captain Novolin” (1992, Raya Systems, SNES)
By Michael Mygind Every now & then, there comes a game that causes you to question if it was actually a game. In this case, it is Captain Novolin, released for the Super Nintendo in 1992 by Raya Systems. This is a game about a superhero with type 1 diabetes. Yes, a diabetic superhero. Unlike…
Retro Review: “Jaws” (1987, LJN, NES)
By Michael Mygind Next to Super Mario Bros and Blaster Master, Jaws was probably the game that I remember most from my childhood. It was simplistic and felt like an arcade port. But, it gets a bad rap for what I feel are its strengths. It was loosely based off “Jaws: The Revenge” and was…
“The Rise and Fall of the Super K”
By Michael Mygind Growing up in the small farming town of Sanger, CA, there wasn’t too much to do as a kid if you weren’t into sports. In 1994, the greatest hang out spot ever for such a kid opened up: the Super Kmart. Although I would’ve wanted a party at a Jumper’s Jungle fun…
Nostalgia Review and Reflection: “Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire” (1996)
By Marshall Garvey It’s a great time to be a “Star Wars” fan these days. OK…anytime is a great time to be a fan of arguably the best sci-fi franchise to grace the earth. But with concrete details of Episode VII (filming as we speak) emerging, the period until its Christmas release in 2015…
Childhood Gaming Traumas: The ReDeads from “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time”
By Marshall Garvey Being born in 1989, I wasn’t introduced to the Zelda franchise until the blockbuster release of Ocarina of Time in 1998. Even when it came out, I had no personal interest in playing it, and only did so upon the insistence of my uncle Tim. With an N64 for Christmas that year…