LTG Weekly News Roundup

Keeping up with all of the news of the gaming world can be an overwhelming task, even for those of us who busy ourselves with writing about it on a regular basis. We at Last Token Gaming share links of interest from time to time on our Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as write…




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Keeping up with all of the news of the gaming world can be an overwhelming task, even for those of us who busy ourselves with writing about it on a regular basis. We at Last Token Gaming share links of interest from time to time on our Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as write our own commentary articles on news and developments. But still, there’s only so much one can cover in a short amount of time. Thus, I’m doing our first ever “news roundup” of some big announcements, rumors, and whatever else of interest you might have missed. Dig in!


  1. Valve has started selling user mods on Steam, although there’s of course a debate on whether or not it’s a practice that should be sustained.
  1. Marvel announced a partnership with Telltate Games, with the first title likely to come by 2017.
  1. A somewhat viral rumor about a Conker reboot turned out to be a mere falsehood…done for homework.
  1. Predator and Jason Voorhees will be crashing the Mortal Kombat X part as DLC on May 5.
  1. If you’re eagerly awaiting that World of Warcraft movie, you’ll have to wait a bit as it’s been delayed.
  1. Do you miss the old Solitaire game that came on your PC? Microsoft 10 is bringing it back.