What We’re Playing This Week – Dog Days of July Edition

By the LTG Staff Jake Rushing – Kingdom Hearts 365/2 Days (DS) and Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Game Boy) Looks like I’ll be playing handheld games this week. Since last time, I’ve beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Pokemon Crystal. And I’m waiting for tools and parts so i can repair Astro…




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By the LTG Staff

Jake Rushing – Kingdom Hearts 365/2 Days (DS) and Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Game Boy)

Looks like I’ll be playing handheld games this week.

Since last time, I’ve beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Pokemon Crystal. And I’m waiting for tools and parts so i can repair Astro Boy Omega Factor.

As of last night, I am starting up Kingdom Hearts 365/2 Days. So far it’s not bad. The controls are something to get used to after playing Kingdom Hearts games on my PS3, but I’ll get accustomed to them. The format is also different too as i have objectives to complete, and the story has yet to pick up. But i know that it’ll pick up soon enough. We are getting scholarships for masters tomorrow so we have to prepare for that soon.

When I’m on commuting to work via train, I’ll be playing Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. It’s an interesting departure from Super Mario Land games that encourage to grab as many treasures and coins as possible. So far I’m in area 5, and i finally started to get all money grubbing/ treasure hunting like Wario. Now that i may be almost done with the game, i want to go back and obtain all of the treasure and access all of the secret levels. I’m starting to enjoy going off the beaten paths again just to get all of the treasures i want! And also i intend on getting as close to 100% completion as possible as it is a short game. I might finish the game this week but for now I am calling Silverwater Plumbing to maintain my bathroom.


Marshall Garvey – BioShock Infinite, Fallout 4 (PS4)

Gaming has taken a backseat to bigger priorities for me, chiefly the editing and formatting of my long-awaited book, The Hidden History of Sacramento Baseball. But I got a chance to get back in the groove during a day of relaxation this past weekend. My main focus is completing BioShock Infinite, which I raved about in my last WWPTW entry. I’m at the point where you have to follow the ghostly footsteps of Lady Comstock, so I suspect I’m close to the end.

Other than that is probably my most frequent entry in WWPTW, Fallout 4. I didn’t want to play anything else until I had blazed through the BioShock trilogy uninterrupted, but I was needing a little something to break that up after awhile and decided to get back to some settlement missions for Preston Garvey. Once I’m done with both of those, it’s (finally!) on to The Last of Us

Sean Willis – 8bitdo SN30 pro, Moto mod gamepad, SNES Mini/Classic Edition

I’ve been awfully busy myself but that doesn’t stop me from tinkering with controllers and other bits of tech. I recently purchased the 8bitdo SN30 pro controller and in turn have retired my Moto Mod Gamepad for my Moto z2 Play phone. Sure bluetooth has a bit of lag in a few rare games, but a proper d-pad and larger sticks is everything to me. Moto Mod gamepad just had me looking for another controller once I put it to the test. I’ll save more detail for a proper review but point is it got me to buy the 8bitdo SN30 pro bluetooth controller with a phone clip and I’ve been enjoying it since. Very surprised by its d-pad which has some rather accurate diagonal inputs. No analog triggers for my favorite racers but I’m rather pleased with the d-pad alone so far that I’ve been playing classic shmups on the go again.

I also ran into a single lonely SNES Mini sitting around at a Wal-Mart and had to get it, at least for the controllers and a copy of a finished Starfox 2. Other than that I found the system to be rather underwhelming. It’s a nice menu and all but the hardware is quite underused and I could do a lot more with more options using a Raspberry Pi and a creative case. Still it’s official and its not too hard to modify to give it a more complete collection. Seriously, how can you have a system showcase the Super Nintendo and not have Pilot Wings on there, that’s just sad.

Oh well, its android based so it’s easy to modify at least but it sure could have been better as a “virtual console console” than a limited edition collectors items. Controller wise they feel nostalgic but after the 8bitdo’s great diagonals I find it a little lacking but eh, it’s almost matching the old SNES controllers too well problems and all. I admit the buttons feel much nicer to press on the SNES mini controllers. Also found out my Hori Arcade stick won’t work on it due to some weird analog stick input issue and that’s pretty disappointing. Though I’m getting carried away, these all need hardware reviews I think.

Overall my week has been mostly about tinkering than gaming itself. I will mention Qrth-Phyl as a game I’ve been playing lately as a Steam release is coming next week, but beyond that nothing too heavy gaming wise.