What We’re Playing This Week – Sunshine and Summer Edition

Ben Fitzgerald – Mass Effect 2 (360), Baldur’s Gate, Contradiction – Spot the Liar! (PC) In addition to the same games I’ve been playing off and on the last several weeks, I finally bit the bullet after a year of wanting to try it and bought Contradiction, a full-motion video murder mystery set in a…




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Ben Fitzgerald – Mass Effect 2 (360), Baldur’s Gate, Contradiction – Spot the Liar! (PC)

In addition to the same games I’ve been playing off and on the last several weeks, I finally bit the bullet after a year of wanting to try it and bought Contradiction, a full-motion video murder mystery set in a sleepy English hamlet. Ten bucks is nothing, and I want to listen to some British accents. I finally got my internet set up, and it was wonderful to be able to download a 2.4 GB game without having to use McDonald’s wifi for eight hours!

So far, I have  to say that the game is pretty brilliant. It succeeds as an FMV game every bit as well as does Her Story, and with a lot more interactivity to boot. I’m not saying that this game is necessarily better, and I understand why so much praise has been lavished on Her Story, but I’m struggling to see why Contradiction has received so little attention in comparison.

Jake Rushing – Mr. Driller (PS1), Road Rash (PS1), Kung Fu (NES)

This week, I’m going to take a break from Wii games and focus on games that I’ve been wanting to play, but never got around to getting down and play.

First off, I’ve touched on a game that I used to play as a kid here and there. This week, I’ve intend on beating Kung Fu and restore honor to my childhood for never beating this game!

One of the games that I’ve been looking forward to getting in the mail the most as of recently is Mr. Driller. I am not sure why I haven’t played this game much and seeing the prospect of getting it excited me. I guess the simple mechanics and it’s cute style captivated me. I’ll play this game when it arrives at my doorstep for sure.

Last but not least, I want to start playing the game that I used to play at my grandmother’s house years ago that I’ve managed to get for the PS1 not too long ago. I’ve yearned to play Road Rash for quite some time, and now I’m going to play it for a good while until I beat it.

Marshall Garvey – Fight Night Champion, Aliens: Colonial Marines (Xbox 360)

Nothing new to report on my front. I’ve buckled down on ACM, and as banal and shoddy as it is, I’m almost finished with the main campaign as it’s ridiculously short. Thus, the Gaming Disasters review should be just around the corner, after which I’ll be focusing primarily on Last Token Gaming’s long-awaited design overhaul. Granted, this should free me up for some casual gaming, so my WWPTW entries will be more varied than they’ve been as of late.

To interrupt the drudgery of that playthrough, I’m actually trying to git gud at Fight Night Champion. The training mini games are especially fun and challenging, allowing you to focus on specific aspects such as heavy bag, defense only, slipping, speed bag, combinations, and more. I’ll likely resume the main campaign as well when I have more time.

Terry Randolph – Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Xbox One), Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate (Xbox One)

I need to get more games for my Playstation 4 and actually use the poor thing, but the truth is I use my Xbox way more. That said, I’m super excited for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided as I love the topic it discusses and enjoyed the hell out of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It’s a game with various ways players can approach a situation, and plenty of side quests/extra components of any mission that feels natural and fluid. It also requires a lot of thought, attention to detail, and thinking on your feet which means being a lot more alert and attentive than I am on a normal day. That said, what I’ve played so far has been exciting, fun, and has me hooked back in like it’s predecessor.

When not playing that, I’ll be working my way through Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate which I have to say feels like a solid improvement over Assassin’s Creed: Unity. Anyone can argue that’s not saying much, but it’s leagues better. While initially awkward at first, the new control scheme is fun and exciting, the various missions to play through can be fun (even if similar in structure), and overall it just feels like a better, older version of a familiar franchise. Hopefully that feeling doesn’t wane the further I go in game.

All in all, a hefty week for me. Hopefully I get through a good portion of both.