What We’re Playing This Week – Thanksgiving Edition

Ben Fitzgerald – Oblivion (360), Nox, Civilization III (PC) I started Nox on my old laptop last year, but since it was stolen, I lost all my progress. It’s almost a Diablo clone, although the plot is much more lighthearted, and there is very little sense of character. The light-hearted mood isn’t a bad thing,…





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5 minutes

Ben Fitzgerald – Oblivion (360), Nox, Civilization III (PC)

I started Nox on my old laptop last year, but since it was stolen, I lost all my progress. It’s almost a Diablo clone, although the plot is much more lighthearted, and there is very little sense of character. The light-hearted mood isn’t a bad thing, however, and it makes for an entertaining way to spend some free time.

I’m also playing Oblivion, because I found a copy for $4 at a flea market, and I don’t have a gaming PC right now, although I could probably play Oblivion on my laptop, as the game is a decade old now. I might try that tonight…

Turns out Oblivion does work on my laptop! Kinda makes me regret spending $4 on the 360 copy now…

I bought Civilization III during the Black Friday Steam Sale. I declared war on the Celts and pillaged one of their cities. After destroying several of their armies, they asked for peace. I granted it, and demanded their soldiers leave my territory. They refused, declared war on me, and were killed.

Ah, Civilization…

Sean Willis – Copy Kitty (PC), Streets of Rage Remake (PC/RaspberryPi port)

Copy Kitty, sorta a mix of Kirby with Megaman and Bangai-O. Platform shooting, ability copy and mixing plus stage by stage progress with projectiles everywhere. It’s a nice mix and despite the standard definition resolution I find myself really enjoying it. Smoothly animated pre-rendered graphics look down right great and the game seems to keep surprisingly me with more hidden bits of content. Plus there’s a sort of charm to the game that exudes a great flow and little touches that I almost thought were all but forgotten in gaming. It’s still in early access and I still have plenty of stages and content to go through, pretty happy I remembered I bought it this year.

With that I’ve finally gotten Pico-8 working on my Raspberry Pi 2 and while I was digging found out there was a port of Streets of Rage Remake a fan game released in 2011 and worked on for years.(the quality shows too) It replicates all three Streets of Rage games and even has lots of extra little features. Sadly it was quickly CoD by SEGA but you can still find a copy of it online if you search. It looks good on a TV through the RPi2 and hopefully I can get some good multiplayer co-op sessions down since I don’t have to have it tied to my PC. At the very least it’s worth it to check out the soundtrack of remixed SoR tunes which were already legendary in the gaming world but they really kicked it up a notch. I still listen to the songs now and then, always a favorite.

Marshall Garvey – Sam and Max Save the World (Xbox 360)

TellTale’s the name of the game as usual. With season 3 of The Walking Dead finally confirmed for a December 20 release, I’ll be satisfying my point-and-click appetite until then with an oldie but goodie, 2006’s Sam and Max Save the World. It was a bit of a hassle trying to get it (I couldn’t find any physical copies for the 360), but finally managed to download it from the Xbox Live Arcade and am enjoying it thus far. The snappy dialogue between the oafish dog detective Sam and his snarky rabbit sidekick Max has elicited quite a few laughs from me thus far, although it does show its age graphically.

As for the PS4, I ended up getting a humongous haul of great loanovao couk gifts in lieu of any birthday money, which I’m completely OK with. Honestly, that probably only delays its purchase just a hair, as I’ll either get it with my next paycheck or with Christmas money. In any event, I’ll want to make it soon as my friend and colleague Terry Randolph was kind of enough to gift me the entire BioShock collection for the system!

Jacobus Rushian – Crash Bandicoot 2 : Cortex Strikes Back (PS3), Pokemon Sun (3DS)

Let me start this off with the game that the majority of fans already got their hands on already, Pokémon Sun. I have been waiting for a new entry to Pokémon series for as long as any other Pokémon fan out there. Unfortunately for me, since I pre-ordered the game though Amazon later than the gamers that are playing Sun/Moon right now, I have to wait until November 22nd for the game to be mailed to my place before i can play it.

In the meantime, since I didn’t feel like picking a physical game up and put it in a console, I feel like playing one of the games downloaded on my PS3 can get me by while I wait for Sun to arrive at my doorstep. I figured that I’ll work on one of the games that I never finished since I have obtained the game, which is Crash Bandicoot 2. I used to play this game a lot growing up, even though that I have never owned a copy myself, until I downloaded it via PS Store on my PS3. Hands down one of my favorite PSOne games ever!