What We’re Playing This Week – Thunderstorms in Arkansas Edition

Ben Fitzgerald – Icewind Dale II, Star Trek: Armada, Her Story (PC) I want to play the final installment in the Deponia trilogy, because I enjoy the story and because I am a sadist (the minigames are almost always infuriating). However, I don’t think I’ll be able to get the game downloaded this week. Mainly…





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Ben Fitzgerald – Icewind Dale II, Star Trek: Armada, Her Story (PC)

I want to play the final installment in the Deponia trilogy, because I enjoy the story and because I am a sadist (the minigames are almost always infuriating). However, I don’t think I’ll be able to get the game downloaded this week. Mainly because I keep forgetting to bring my laptop when I go to places that have WiFi. So instead, I shall try to complete some of the games I’ve been saying I’ll complete for weeks and/or months.

I’d like to blame my inefficiency on my crazy life, but at least a good deal of it has more to do with getting distracted or being lazy. Also, there are some ridiculously difficult optional battles in Icewind Dale II, and I am determined to beat them before I complete the game. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.

I resolved Her Story as well as I reckon anyone can last night, and I will write about it when I get the time to process the experience properly. I also succeeded in downloading Goodbye Deponia, so I may play it this week after all.

Jake Rushing – Mega Man V (Wii Virtual Console), Wario Ware Smooth Moves (Wii)

When I finished Muramasa this past Saturday, I had time to play Wario Ware, but I had no energy left to play the game. So I looked into what I had saved into my SD card, and Mega Man V was the first one to show up. So I figured why not.

Outside Mega Man 2, that was the first classic Mega Man game that I played in forever. Man it is a fun game to play! I’m officially done with that game and it’s definitely as hard as any other Mega Man game.

Now I’m playing Wario Ware Smooth Moves. It’s just a delight to play with all of the mini games along with playing some extra games here and there. I hope that I’ll finish it before next week.


Marshall Garvey – TellTale Walking Dead: Season One

With the heat soaring into the triple digits and the world continuing to tear itself apart more by the day, it’s the perfect time for a Walking Dead kick. I just got volume three of the comics (Safety Behind Bars), so naturally I’m still fixated on Telltale’s first season. I should aim to finish it soon so I can finally move on to season two and get ready for season three.

As usual, I’ve just been crazy busy with life affairs, so I apologize for the lack of variance in my WWPTW entries as of late. However, I will return to Colonial Marines this Tuesday to resume our first ever Gaming Disasters review. Once that’s done, I’ll be doing casual gaming only for a bit as I’ll be devoting most or all of my Last Token Gaming time to the site’s forthcoming overhaul. That’ll give me the chance to enjoy some more games, including a few I have I still need to dive into like Nicktoons MLB.