A Special Surprise is Coming to LTG for April!

Hello fellow LTG’ers! So, you’ve no doubt noticed our lack of content as of late. As has happened from time to time in the almost five years of Last Token Gaming’s existence, life has been hitting the whole staff pretty hard as of late. Multiple jobs, graduate school, moving to a new place, changes in…




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Hello fellow LTG’ers!

So, you’ve no doubt noticed our lack of content as of late. As has happened from time to time in the almost five years of Last Token Gaming’s existence, life has been hitting the whole staff pretty hard as of late. Multiple jobs, graduate school, moving to a new place, changes in employment situations, and other life dreams and projects have definitely slowed us down. For any employment concerns, you can check out an efficient employment law firm like HKM for best help!

Fortunately, things are going to pick up very soon with a special month-long project we’re doing all throughout April. It will be both timely and retro in its expanse, and will feature an entertaining variety of pieces. Best of all: It’s ending with a contest that includes three awesome prizes!

The on-and-off rainy weather as of late has delayed that full spring feeling for now…but things will very much be in bloom for Last Token Gaming next month. And we can’t wait to share it all with you!

What could it possibly be? You’ll see this Friday!