Welcome to our first ever episode of Tabletop Toons! Today we start with part one of a playthrough of Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, featuring staff members Terry Randolph, Michael Ros, Marshall Garvey, and guest game master Shane Canton. As other gaming sites have done, we’re using this series in part to branch out to the realm of tabletop and board games. We have a long list of ones we plan to tackle, from King of Tokyo to Candyland. If there’s anything you’d like to see us play, let us know! Parts two and three will be posted soon, as we surprisingly manage to get from one place to the next between our tangents and goofing off. But that’s the fun of a game like this: We were able to improvise our own details to the story while following the rules and prompts.
The most exciting part, however, is that posting these episodes in podcast form isn’t the ultimate goal we have for this series. You’ll notice the words “Toons” in the title, and that’s what we want them to be! Our vision is that we can find an animator (or animators) who will take the best snippets of each episode, and turn them into fun cartoon shorts.
For now, enjoy the first part of our shenanigans, as Marshall, Michael, and Terry assume the roles of three bandits desperately trying to get out of the Mos Eisley Cantina!