Tag: BioShock
What We’re Playing This Week – It’s Summer 2018 Edition!
By the Last Token Gaming Staff Jake Rushing – Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix (PS3), Pokemon Crystal (GBC), Astro Boy: The Omega Factor (GBA) Just to give a little context into Kingdom Hearts, I started playing this game since I had a feeling that Kingdom Hearts 3 will be coming out somewhere in between…
What We’re Playing This Week – February Farewell Edition
By the Last Token Gaming Staff Well, it’s been a bit since we’ve done one of these! February has been a busy month for Last Token Gaming, as we’ve been cooking up tons of ideas for the site’s future, as well as forthcoming reorganizations for the website’s layout. But we always make sure to have…
The Easy Way Out: Has Modern Gaming become easy?
I despised the Lion King game for one reason only; the second level. Everyone knows the second level, right? The one with the tree platforming (which took me hours to do) that transitioned into riding on the ostrich’s back while dodging the various roots and branches in yourw way to race to the end? That…
Elephant in the Room: The Dangers of Pro-Consumer vs. Pro-Developer and the Used Game Market
How an argument spawning from E3 2013 sidesteps a major problem in the gaming industry, and shows the dangers of current gaming trends. By Terry Randolph I remember watching the both Sony and Microsoft’s unveiling of their newest consoles, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. With Microsoft being the first to introduce its newest creation,…
The Multiplayer Effect
How its influenced console gaming and the consequences of it by Terry Randolph and Chris Medrano Multiplayer has made a huge impact on console gaming over the years; whereas a stellar single-player campaign would be the focus of a game, multiplayer seems to have taken priority. Initially, it was hard to argue the benefits multiplayer…