Tag: brothers
TellTale’s The Walking Dead: Season 3 – Episode 3: Above the Law Review
Release Date: March 18th (Xbox One, Season Pass), March 28th (all other systems) Developer: TellTale Games Publisher: TellTale Games Genre: Third Person Perspective, Platformer, Action-Adventure System: Xbox One (Reviewed), Xbox 360, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, PC, Mac, Android, iPhone “Don’t fix what isn’t broken” — a moniker used far too often to imply doing the…
Super Smash Bros. – Corrin Review
Representative of: Fire Emblem: Fates Released: February 3, 2016 Systems: Wii U, 3DS Important to Note: Corrin is a character that can be played as either a Male or Female, like in Fire Emblem: Fates. Therefore, in this article I do not use “he” or “she” pronouns and instead use “they”, “their” in respect to having no gender…
What We’re Playing This Week – President’s Day Edition
Ben Fitzgerald – Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, Star Trek: Starfleet Command II – Empires At War, Star Trek: Armada, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Dominion Wars (PC) – You guessed it: I’m on a serious Star Trek kick. I’ve played 25th Anniversary too many times to count, and I’ve divulged quite a few…
Super Smash Bros (Wii U.) – Mewtwo Impressions
For fighting games, I usually prefer speed over strength as the focus of my characters. It’s all about the fast, frenetic movement of pinpointing your shots and timing them perfectly. Sure it sacrifices power, but with speed a character can whittle away at the opponent until they’re weak. Once the opponent is weak and vulnerable,…