Tag: Candy

  • Games you don’t play…?

    Games you don’t play…?

    Hi, all! I’m not going to talk about why it’s been months since I’ve published a post with LTG. I can complain that life gets in the way all I want, but there are excuses and there are results (and this post is the result of one too many excuses). We’ve got some great new…

  • Candy Jam/Candy & Watch Saga Postmortem! With Sean Willis!

    Original post: http://jakeofalltrades13.wordpress.com/2014/02/12/candy-jamcandy-watch-saga-postmortem-with-sean-willis/ Welcome back everyone! On my last post, I talked about a game that I made for Global Game Jam that wasn’t accessible to the public. I also mentioned that I would participate through another game jam and make a game that is more accessible to everyone. Well guess what? That’s what I…