Tag: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Marshall Garvey’s Top 20 Video Game Characters (#11-20)
By Marshall Garvey 20. Link – The Legend of Zelda series While I tend to gravitate towards supporting characters in games (as well as in movies and television), any list not featuring Link as an all-time great and/or favorite is probably hard to take seriously. Aside from his signature battle cries, Link conveys the breadth of his…
Marshall Garvey’s Top 20 Video Game Characters (#10-1)
By Marshall Garvey 10. Otacon – Metal Gear Solid series “Snake? SNAKE? SNNNNNNAAAAAKKKKKEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” In the annals of gaming sidekicks, no one is as loyal, intelligent, eloquent, and hilarious as Hal Emmerich, aka Otacon. Found hiding in a locker in the original 1998 game, he soon becomes Solid Snake’s trusty assistant upon learning that the Metal Gear project…