Tag: Exclusive

  • Honesty in Loss – God of War (2018) Review

    Honesty in Loss – God of War (2018) Review

    By Terry Randolph Loss. It’s a permanent, powerful presence appearing in life at some juncture or another. Whether it’s saying goodbye to a home, friends, relationships, or a loved one, it rears its ugly head in ways that are mystifyingly profound. We all handle its presence differently; some romanticize it, hoping it lessens the painful…

  • Playing with Smoke: InFamous: Second Son Review

    Playing with Smoke: InFamous: Second Son Review

    Written by Terry Randolph, discussed in review by Chris Medrano and Terry Developer: Sucker Punch Productions Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Release Date: March 21, 2014 Rated:T for Teen Platform: PlayStation 4 MSRP: 59.99 Genre: Action/Platform/Sandbox/RPG   Let’s get one thing out of the way before the review; Chris and I don’t understand the acclaim the…

  • Power Play: Killzone: Shadow Fall review (Campaign Only)

    Developer: Guerilla Games  Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Release Date: Nov. 15, 2013   Rated: M for Mature Platform: PlayStation 4   MSRP: 59.99 Platform: First Person Shooter It’s one hell of a tech demo that’s for sure…. By Terry Randolph Ah, Killzone, infamously labeled the “Halo Killer” by Sony when the game first launched. This was the…