Tag: Final Fantasy

  • Undertale: Just Another RPG?

    Undertale: Just Another RPG?

    By Isaac Smith I’m well-versed in the JRPG style of game. I whet my teeth on Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger and The Secret of Mana. I played indie tributes to games like them. I’ve played games that possess many similar characteristics to them, but manage to be different in their own way. Undertale is all…

  • My thoughts on Cloud’s debut in Smash

    My thoughts on Cloud’s debut in Smash

    By Jake Rushing I was in the hospital last Thursday taking care of a relative when Nintendo’s latest direct was on the air. I was slightly bummed about missing out, but I was visiting family that I haven’t seen in forever. Thankfully, I had already set up my watch to receive Twitter notifications, so I…

  • Pretty Boy Simulator 2k15  aka Final Fantasy XV – Episode Duscae Demo Review

    Pretty Boy Simulator 2k15 aka Final Fantasy XV – Episode Duscae Demo Review

    Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: Pending (Demo) Released: March 17, 2015 Systems: Xbox One, Playstation 4 (Reviewed) Genre: JRPG I still remember the excitement I had for Final Fantasy XII after the stinker that was Final Fantasy X-2. With promise of bold, mature storytelling, action-oriented turn based gameplay and a world loved by…

  • Top 15 Most Annoying Enemies

    Top 15 Most Annoying Enemies

    By the Last Token Gaming Staff Last year, we put together a list of what we considered the 10 worst sidekicks in all of gaming. Not surprisingly, it provided a great source of agreement (and catharsis) for both the LTG staff and our readers. To start this year, we present a new (and slightly longer)…

  • The Great Disappointment of the FFVII Remake

    The Great Disappointment of the FFVII Remake

    I obviously don’t have to tell you that the Final Fantasy VII Remake announcement was a gigantic disappointment. Yes, Square Enix: you do have a golden goose, and you have been making it poop out eggs since the game came out, pretty much. The first FF to have a PC Port. The first FF to have…

  • The Clone Wars

    The Clone Wars

    (Before I get started: hello, everyone! Sorry it’s been so long since my last rant post. Glad to be back!) I love the term “clone.” It’s so derogatory and dismissive. It’s the video game review equivalent of calling someone an asshat on the internet: “0/10 Just another clone.” But here’s the thing: I enjoy playing…

  • Ready for E3? We are: Here’s what we’re excited to hear about this year

    [UPDATE: Unfortunately before we could edit this in time, it was confirmed that Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 won’t be shown at E3. While certainly a downer it still doesn’t take away from our excitement for the titles.] E3. Is there more that needs to be said about this exciting event? Every year,…

  • Misogyny in Gaming? Big Surprise.

    HOLY DISCLAIMER, BATMAN: This post was written before the Santa Barbara shootings. Due to its lighthearted irreverence, you might find it more offensive now than you would have a week ago. Try to keep an open mind and look at what is being said, not just HOW it’s being said. Feminism’s a thing now, if…

  • Should we be worried about Final Fantasy?

    by Terry Randolph It is the year 1987, and the company you’ve founded and poured your heart into is about to go bankrupt. In your hands is the product that will be the last chance at creating your magnum opus. If the game sells, you’ve saved your company and can continue living the dream. If…

  • Last Token Gaming’s Top 10 Video Game Resolutions

    Last Token Gaming’s Top 10 Video Game Resolutions

    Ok, so maybe these aren’t resolutions — these are the 10 games all of us at LTG are each trying to play on their backlog list and complete before January 1, 2019. And maybe some sort of other resolutions we have for the site. Terry Randolph Xenoblades Chronicles (3DS) I am notorious for starting games…