Tag: growth

  • Honesty in Loss – God of War (2018) Review

    Honesty in Loss – God of War (2018) Review

    By Terry Randolph Loss. It’s a permanent, powerful presence appearing in life at some juncture or another. Whether it’s saying goodbye to a home, friends, relationships, or a loved one, it rears its ugly head in ways that are mystifyingly profound. We all handle its presence differently; some romanticize it, hoping it lessens the painful…

  • Last Token Gaming – A Reflection of 2015

    Last Token Gaming – A Reflection of 2015

    Every reflection I write about Last Token Gaming often ends up talking about my worries both personally and about the http://apkgamescrack.com/category/games/ site. A lot of times they involve burnout, uncertainty, and frustration about numerous things. All of these worries come with the territory, and are always about maintaining a quality that we’ve held since the…