Tag: Halo

  • Under the Surface – Fallen London Review

    Text-based games? Nobody plays those anymore. That’s why we have graphics! I don’t want to read “Master Chief splattered a Covenant grunt on the side of his Banshee,” I want to see it in all its splattery detail! There’s a lot to be said for super-pristine graphics with each hair on your character’s head being…

  • The Multiplayer Effect

    How its influenced console gaming and the consequences of it by Terry Randolph and Chris Medrano Multiplayer has made a huge impact on console gaming over the years; whereas a stellar single-player campaign would be the focus of a game, multiplayer seems to have taken priority. Initially, it was hard to argue the benefits multiplayer…

  • The Culprit Effect: When Video Games and Violence Collide Part 2

    The Culprit Effect: When Video Games and Violence Collide Part 2

    By Terry Randolph Part 1 of the article can be found here. Feature image graphic courtesy of the New York Times. Games containing violence tend to get bad reps in the wake of tragedies; they become the focal point of blame, discussion and contention for both the government and people. They are used to simplify the…

  • The Illusion of the Triple-A Title

    The Illusion of the Triple-A Title

    by Terry Randolph Business practices take over what used to be a title of creative innovation and exploration. Before jumpstarting the article, I understand that the concept of a “Triple-A” title game continues to morph and change and we advance in gaming hardware. However, for the current trend in gaming, three major factors determine how…