Tag: Metal Gear Solid
Top 10 Greatest Game Over Screens
By Marshall Garvey and Sean Willis “Game Over.” No words are as deflating, saddening and sometimes devastating to a gamer. Part of the elemental fun of gaming is its inherent boundlessness. In many titles, you don’t have a life; you have extra lives. But even then, there has to be something that deters you from…
1998: The Greatest Year in Gaming History
By Marshall Garvey Being an unabashed history geek, one of my most distinct (re: pathetic) habits is to chronicle the most superlative years of a given field. It’s a habit some might find downright anal and, perhaps, kind of pointless. After all, many believe history is better learned by de-emphasizing year and date memorization. But…
Last Token Gaming Interview – Three Flip Studios
By Jake Rushing and Marshall Garvey Last week, Marshall Garvey and Jake Rushing had the privilege of being joined by Three Flip Studios’ Rob Howland, Anthony Prusakowski and Brandon Jones. The developers of the upcoming shooter Armed and Gelatinous, Jake met them at this year’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. They sat down with…
The Sound of Gaming
By Terry Randolph Sound design is the most under-appreciated part of a gaming experience. Yet it’s also one of the most critical components that makes or breaks how good a game can be. How many times have you had a game that gets bogged down by lagging dialogue? Or thrown off by the lag between…
LTG Discussion: GOTY Editions, AC Unity, MGS: Ground Zeroes & FFX/FFX-2 HD
Hey everyone, Since we kinda fell behind a week, we decided to get back on schedule by doing another discussion this week. It’s a bit brief, but we go off talking about Game of the Year Editions, Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, and FFX/X-2 HD Remake. We hope you enjoy! Also, there’s a HUGE SPOILER for…
Terry Randolph’s Top 20 Video Game Characters – (#20-11)
At Last Token Gaming, we want our readers to get an idea of who we are as writer’s. We came up with the idea of having our writers come up with a person Top 20 Video Game Characters list of their own, and posting it on a weekly basis. Last week, fellow staff writer Marshall…
Marshall Garvey’s Top 20 Video Game Characters (#11-20)
By Marshall Garvey 20. Link – The Legend of Zelda series While I tend to gravitate towards supporting characters in games (as well as in movies and television), any list not featuring Link as an all-time great and/or favorite is probably hard to take seriously. Aside from his signature battle cries, Link conveys the breadth of his…
Marshall Garvey’s Top 20 Video Game Characters (#10-1)
By Marshall Garvey 10. Otacon – Metal Gear Solid series “Snake? SNAKE? SNNNNNNAAAAAKKKKKEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” In the annals of gaming sidekicks, no one is as loyal, intelligent, eloquent, and hilarious as Hal Emmerich, aka Otacon. Found hiding in a locker in the original 1998 game, he soon becomes Solid Snake’s trusty assistant upon learning that the Metal Gear project…