Tag: peter dinklage
“Pixels” Trailer Response: A potentially bad comedy, and potentially bad for gamers and gaming
By Isaac Smith I’m going to start of by saying that I don’t really like Adam Sandler or Kevin James. There, it’s off my chest. Now I’m going to objectively (hah, yeah right) tell you why Pixels is going to be a terrible movie even without the dynamic duo dragging it down to the circle…
TellTale’s Game of Thrones: Iron from Ice Episode 1 Review
Developer: TellTale Games Publisher: TellTale Games Rated: M for Mature Release Date: December 2, 2014 (US) Platform: Xbox One (Reviewed), Xbox 360, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, PC, Mac, Android, iPhone, Steam (Reviewed) MSRP: $4.99 Originally, this was to be a joint review of TellTale’s Game of Thrones: Iron from Ice Episode 1 as Last Token Gaming’s first ever video review.…
Destiny Review – A Calling Left Unfulfilled –
By Patrick-James Reyes Destiny Developer: Bungie Publisher: Activision Released: 9-9-14 Platforms: Playstation 3/ Playstation 4/ Xbox 360/ Xbox One MSRP: $59.99 It has been four years since Bungie’s last game. Now at last we arrive at a new frontier of their design in the form of Destiny, but what is it exactly? According to those…
Deep Space of Expectations – Destiny Initial Impressions
Publisher: Activision Developer: Activision Platforms: Playstation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One Release Date: September 9, 2014 Genre: MMORPG, FPS Rated: T for Teen MSRP: $59.99 Marketing is a dual-edged sword for any game – it either keeps a game from fading into the mass sea of other similar titles, or burns it asunder in…
Until Tomorrow: Destiny post-beta Impressions
By Terry Randolph and Domenic Dalpez Last week, Ryan and I spoke of our impressions on the highly-touted Destiny beta that you can read here. The beta just ended on Sunday after opening up a mission on the moon for a few hours, and a special event that lead to items you keep for the…
Borderlands: Halo – Destiny Beta Impressions
by Terry Randolph and Ryan Goddard Bungie will always have a problem whenever it releases a game; Halo. Every game the studio makes will always draw comparisons to it; from the way guns handle to art style and everything in-between. With Destiny, Bungie is hoping to create something “revolutionary” and “nothing we’ve seen before” (aka…