Tag: Riddler

  • TellTale’s Batman: Enemy Within: Episode 1 – The Enigma Review

    TellTale’s Batman: Enemy Within: Episode 1 – The Enigma Review

    Release Date: August 8th, 2017 Rated: M for Mature Developer: TellTale Games Producer: TellTale Games Genre: Point and Click, Narrative Focus Platform: Xbox One (played and reviewed), Playstation 4, PC As cannot be said enough, thank you to TellTale Games for providing a review copy of this game! Tonality and direction are pivotal when setting up a story’s delivery of theme…

  • Top 10 Batman Villains

    Top 10 Batman Villains

    By the Last Token Gaming Staff Editor’s Note: Please keep in mind that this is a list the Last Token Gaming has heavily subjective. In the comments below, tell us if you agree or disagree with our list or who you think should be taken off the list or added! For as long a run…

  • Hall of Fame Review – Batman: Arkham City (2011)

    Hall of Fame Review – Batman: Arkham City (2011)

    Developer: Rocksteady Games   Platforms: Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Mac Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Release Date: October 18, 2011   Rated: T for Teen   Platform: Action/Stealth A revitalizing tale in a troubled genre   By Terry Randolph For many years, the superhero genre was in a stagnant state of mediocrity. Granted, there were several…