Tag: RPG
How being murdered by zombies made me eat healthier.
By Isaac Smith Boy, lots of current events, news, critical opinions and stuff in the Last Token Gaming feed! Now, for something completely different, click here A while ago I wrote a post about Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. It’s a zombie survival game that, although it’s text-based, gives a pretty realistic scenario for what it’d…
Borderlands: Halo – Destiny Beta Impressions
by Terry Randolph and Ryan Goddard Bungie will always have a problem whenever it releases a game; Halo. Every game the studio makes will always draw comparisons to it; from the way guns handle to art style and everything in-between. With Destiny, Bungie is hoping to create something “revolutionary” and “nothing we’ve seen before” (aka…
Under the Surface – Fallen London Review
Text-based games? Nobody plays those anymore. That’s why we have graphics! I don’t want to read “Master Chief splattered a Covenant grunt on the side of his Banshee,” I want to see it in all its splattery detail! There’s a lot to be said for super-pristine graphics with each hair on your character’s head being…
Backlog Files Review – Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
For every gamer, there is a pile of games we swear we get to. They get put on our shelves, only to sit there for a duration of time until we notice them again. These are known as games in the backlog or on the backburner. While waiting for new releases, we’ve decided we’ll play…