Tag: RPGs

  • The Enduring Impact of the Infinity Engine

    The Enduring Impact of the Infinity Engine

    By Benjamin Fitzgerald Stop for a moment. Breathe it in. Imagine the possibilities. Revel in it. BioWare developed the Infinity Engine for a planned real-time strategy game that never came to fruition. Instead, they re-tooled the engine for isometric role-playing games and released Baldur’s Gate in 1998. Only five games were made with the Infinity…

  • Should we be worried about Final Fantasy?

    by Terry Randolph It is the year 1987, and the company you’ve founded and poured your heart into is about to go bankrupt. In your hands is the product that will be the last chance at creating your magnum opus. If the game sells, you’ve saved your company and can continue living the dream. If…