Tag: Shooter
Until Tomorrow: Destiny post-beta Impressions
By Terry Randolph and Domenic Dalpez Last week, Ryan and I spoke of our impressions on the highly-touted Destiny beta that you can read here. The beta just ended on Sunday after opening up a mission on the moon for a few hours, and a special event that lead to items you keep for the…
Borderlands: Halo – Destiny Beta Impressions
by Terry Randolph and Ryan Goddard Bungie will always have a problem whenever it releases a game; Halo. Every game the studio makes will always draw comparisons to it; from the way guns handle to art style and everything in-between. With Destiny, Bungie is hoping to create something “revolutionary” and “nothing we’ve seen before” (aka…
LTG Discussion: Dev Layoffs, Reviews and Diablo
Hey everyone! For today’s post Chris, Ben and Terry sat together to do the next LTG podcast. For this particular podcast, they kept it a little laid back and informal to let the conversation flow smoother. The topics range from the recent round of studio layoffs, the state of modern console, to some quick reviews…
Rest In Peace Department the Game Review
By Christopher Medrano Developer: Old School Games Publisher: Atlus Rated: T for Teen Platforms: Xbox Live Arcade (Reviewed Version), Playstation Network, PC Price: 800 Ms (XBLA), $10.00 PSN & PC Release Date: July 17, 2013 First, I would like to say I had never heard of RIPD (Rest in Peach Department) until the trailer came…