Tag: sixth generation console
This Day in Gaming History – The GameCube is Released in North America (November 18, 2001)
By Marshall Garvey So, did you feel old at all yesterday when my colleague Terry Randolph observed the ninth anniversary of the PS3’s release? Well, get ready to scramble to the mirror to check for a gray hair or two: On this day, 14 years ago, the Nintendo GameCube was released to the public here…
This Day in Gaming History – The Sega Dreamcast is Released in the U.S. (September 9, 1999)
By Marshall Garvey and Sean Willis Marshall: Oh, Sega. What happened? These past 14 years trying to leg it out as a third party developer have been pretty rough, to put it nicely. The financial struggles, the layoffs, not having a booth at E3 this year, the disaster of Sonic Boom…and it’s not like you…