Tag: Star Trek

  • What We’re Playing This Week – Backlog Game Edition

    What We’re Playing This Week – Backlog Game Edition

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5ErCf345BQ Jake Rushing – Pokémon Silver (Gameboy/Game Boy Color) This week, I’ll just play Pokémon Silver. I’m  just past the halfway point since I beat the Elite Four for the first time and I just arrived at Kanto. Before I got to the Elite Four, I managed to evolve my Horsea to Seadra, and to…

  • Space – The Final Frontier

    Space – The Final Frontier

    by Benjamin Fitzgerald Next year represents a huge milestone for Star Trek fans, as September 8th, 2016 will mark the 50th anniversary of Star Trek’s original television debut. Star Trek has always had a relatively small fanbase, but it has been significant enough to warrant 29 seasons of five separate television shows, comprising a whopping…