Tag: Trailer

  • Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 Reaction

    Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 Reaction

    Yesterday, the much beloved indie-horror sensation Five Nights at Freddy’s series just released a teaser trailer for the third game in the series. While this isn’t an uncommon thing to hear about, this is the third game within a year. Here are some reaction to the trailer from our Last Token Gaming staff: Terry Randolph:…

  • Latest Sunset Overdrive Trailer Too Much for Live Action to Handle

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAwma88K2ok&w=560&h=315] With a month to go before launch, Microsoft and Insomniac have released the latest trailer for Sunset Overdrive. Much like its earlier E3 trailer, this latest video takes a decidedly meta approach, this time attempting to demonstrate the impossibility of filming a live-action trailer for such a game to comical effect while simultaneously…