There be some changes made…

Hey, folks! Short update from Mr. Isaac here. We’re transitioning to a new site format (with many, many more bells and whistles). That’s good news! Hooray! Feel free to celebrate with us. If that were as simple as I made it sound, though, then I probably wouldn’t be writing this. We’ve got a lot of…




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2 minutes

Hey, folks! Short update from Mr. Isaac here. We’re transitioning to a new site format (with many, many more bells and whistles). That’s good news! Hooray! Feel free to celebrate with us.

If that were as simple as I made it sound, though, then I probably wouldn’t be writing this. We’ve got a lot of work to do in order to get this site looking and functioning the way we want it. The ideas our team has been bouncing around are looking great, and we’re sure you’re going to love them, but please understand if things temporarily look like a 5-year-old with a “My First HTML” book went wild on our webpage. We’re working on it! Pinky promise.

I’m also going to take a moment and thank everyone who has supported us this far. We’re so happy to be able to create content for you all, and to talk about the things we love and enjoy to an audience that loves and enjoys them as well! It’s been our pleasure thus far to write for you, and it will continue to be our pleasure for as long as we have the good fortune to continue!

It’s pretty clear (I hope) that we do this because we love video games: their development, their entertainment value, their artistic value and the prospects of their future. You read our posts because you love this stuff, too, and we’ve received a lot of good feedback over the past year to make our blog better. One of the things that we at LTG would continue to ask of you is that you *PLEASE* like, comment and share on Facebook, and subscribe to our blog. This will always be a labor of love for us, and we’d like to reach as many people as possible!
So, if you’ve gotten a laugh, cracked a smile, or thought “Wow, I didn’t know that” while reading this blog, give us your free (and otherwise meaningless) internet support and help other people to discover what we’re trying to do here! It could mean the difference between us holding our meetings in a hole-in-the-wall cafe and holding our meetings in a larger, slightly classier hole-in-the-wall cafe. You can make it happen.
In closing, here is a picture of a bunch of Charmanders riding on a golf cart.
They're so rascally.
They’re so rascally.
Thanks again to you all, and keep gaming 🙂