Top characters I’d like to have in Smash – Jake’s Picks

By Jake Rushing So since the last Super Smash Bros Themed Nintendo Direct is set to air on Tuesday December 15th, it is time that I follow the footsteps of Marshall and Terry and create my own list of Characters that I’d like to see in Smash. I am looking forward to see Sakurai reveals…





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12 minutes

By Jake Rushing

So since the last Super Smash Bros Themed Nintendo Direct is set to air on Tuesday December 15th, it is time that I follow the footsteps of Marshall and Terry and create my own list of Characters that I’d like to see in Smash. I am looking forward to see Sakurai reveals about Cloud as well as possibly at least 2 more characters. While waiting until that day comes, I decided to write my own list of characters as well as figuring out what moves they’d have if they were to be included in Smash. Like Terry and Marshall, I will also include my honorable mention along my ideal Joke Character. I hope that you have fun reading this, because I enjoyed thinking up moves with some inspiration. Without further ado, here is my list.


  1. Bayonetta
    • Style: Melee with some range, putting an emphasis on combo attacks.
    • Weight Class: Medium.
    • Attacks:
      • Dash: Turns into a panther and leaps forward to attack before turning back into her normal form.
      • Smash:
        • Neutral: Punch, Punch, then keep tapping to produce a series of kicks with the final kick that fires a round from her boot gun.
        • Side: Hit, Hit, Kick, Gunshot.
        • Up: Flip Kick.
        • Down: Spinning sweep kick.
      • Aerial:
        • Neutral: Side swipe.
        • Forward: Forward spinning kick, like Fox’s forward aerial but with more range.
        • Back: Half-circle down kick.
        • Up: Flip Kick.
        • Down: Straightens her legs, creating an aura at her feet creating the meteor effect.
      • Tilt:
        • Forward: Wheel kick.
        • Up: Hits upwards with the gun.
        • Down: Fires the gun at the ground like Zero Suit Samus, but no stun.
      • Throw:
        • Grab: Grabs them with a whip.
        • Pummel: Pistol whip.
        • Forward: Side kicks them forward.
        • Back: Slams the enemy on the ground back and forth with her whip with the final slam behind her.
        • Up: Makes a flip kick that sends the enemy upward.
        • Down: Throws the player on the ground, brings her foot up, then gives the player a hard kick with the gun boot going off.
      • Special
        • Neutral: Rapid fire guns.
        • Side: Summons a giant foot or fist that goes in the direction that she’s facing.
        • Up: Sprouts butterfly wings to fly up a certain distance.
        • Down: Freestyling spinning that deals the most damage and knockback with the feet. Rounds from both of her boot guns firing rounds that damage enemies surrounding Bayonetta up to a certain distance.
      • Final Smash: A climax-ish combo, which locks in unfortunate enemies close enough to her. This starts off with a few punches followed by a punch from the giant fist that sends the characters upwards. then Bayonetta does a devastating combo attack with her pistols equipped and giant limbs hitting, ending it with summoning a demon to finish them off. Of course by character design this means that using big limbs or a demon means revealing more of her skin, so maybe they can lighten the revealing parts at least. Or have her be behind something to censor that.
    • Taunts:
      • Up Taunt: Sucking on a lollipop with a wink.
      • Side Taunt: Says “Playtime’s over” while holding her pistol up.
      • Down Taunt: Spins on the ground, then stops to wink while laying on the ground.
    • Alternative Costumes: Original (Grey, black, or white), Umbran Gekka (Red, Blue or White), Hero of Hyrule, Mushroom Kingdom Princess, Sarasaland Princess.

King K Rool

2) King K Rool

  • Style: Brawler, but with ranged attacks, which some of them lag.
  • Weight Class: Heavy.
  • Attacks:
    • Dash: Slips on a Banana Peel, falls on the ground, like King Dedede’s dash.
    • Smash:
      • Neutral: Jab and then uppercut.
      • Side: Slash.
      • Up: Strong uppercut punch.
      • Down: Hop and slam.
    • Aerial:
      • Neutral: Bite.
      • Forward: Claw swipe.
      • Back: Turns around and fires the blunderbuss.
      • Up: Waving his hands up, scratching the opponent.
      • Down: Kicking downwards like Pac Man’s down aerial.
    • Tilt:
      • Forward: Takes off headgear and throws it (like a boomerang) at a very short distance.
      • Up: Very quick uppercut.
      • Down: Ducking with a claw swipe.
    • Throw:
      • Grab: Sucks player in via blunderbuss.
      • Pummel: Bites player.
      • Forward: Hits the player with the butt of the gun.
      • Back: Puts the player behind him and then hops backwards to land on them.
      • Up: Uppercut that sends them upward.
      • Down: Hops up and slams down on the player.
    • Special
      • Neutral: Takes out the blunderbuss. Can fire a short distance cannonball by tapping special, but charges the shot by holding special, with the aura flashing to indicate which projectile will fire out:
        • Red aura: Red gas cloud which slows the players briefly upon impact.
        • Purple Aura: Purple gas cloud which reverses the controls briefly upon impact.
        • Blue Aura: Blue gas cloud which freezes the player upon impact.
        • Silver Aura: Cannon ball that goes straight.
        • Spike Silver Aura: Spike Cannon ball that bounces, with higher damage and knockback.
        • Two-silver-spike-burst Aura: Fires two Spike Cannonballs, but they swirl forward as they move away from K Rool.
        • There is a catch: After the last stage, the gun will shake like it’s about to explode. If they don’t release special at this point, the gun will explode and fire the short distance cannonball. The explosion will damage both the player and the enemies close enough, and the cannonball (while in the air) can damage the enemy , but the explosion will cause more damage to King K Rool than the explosion or the cannonball will to the surrounding enemies. And on top of that, once the cannonball touches the ground, anyone can pick it up and throw it.
      • Side: Jumps forward and slams.
      • Up: Equips the helicopter backpack and goes up.
      • Down: A decent hop and then slams on the ground sending green shock waves that travel a certain distance (like DK64).
    • Final Smash: Hops twice and then jumps in a high arc, making the impact so great the cannonballs fall on the stage onto the player.
  • Taunts:
    • Up Taunt: Takes out blunderbuss as the gun spits fire and propels him to spin around.
    • Side Taunt: Raises his fists as he’s being praised by the crowd in DK64 and going “Yeah!”.
    • Down Taunt: Does a side slide, similar to what he does in DK TV Show with the Crystal Coconut on his hand before tossing it up and pocketing it back in.
  • Alternative Costumes: Alternative Skins: 4 different costumes with 3 different colors each:
    • King (named King K Rool): Red Cape with Gold Crown, Purple Cape with Silver Corwn, Blue Cape with Bronze Crown.
    • Pirate (named Kaptain K Rool): Red pirate gear, Blue Pirate Gear, Purple Pirate Gear.
    • Scientist (named Baron K. Roolenstein): White lab coat, blue lab coat, red lab coat.
    • Boxer (named King K Rool): Red Gloves with gold crown and blue gear, Purple Gloves with Silver Crown and black gear, Blue Gloves with Bronze Crown and green gear.


3) Shovel Knight

  • Style: Sword Melee, but with the hit box at the shovel blade.
  • Weight Class: Medium.
  • Attacks:
    • Dash: Slide with thrust.
    • Smash:
      • Neutral: Side swipe.
      • Side: Bigger side swipe with a energy spark that travels a short distance. Charge this attack to make the energy wave more powerful.
      • Up: Pose similar to level start of Shovel Knight, but more attack oriented.
      • Down: Dirt piles appears around Shovel Knight and Shovel Knight digs them up, making them explode with dirt and jewels, damaging others.
    • Aerial:
      • Neutral: Chest opens with jewels.
      • Forward: Big side swipe, but quicker and no energy beam.
      • Back: Turn back and sweep behind him.
      • Up: Pose similar to level start of Shovel Knight, but more attack oriented.
      • Down: Pogo stick bounce with the shovel.
    • Tilt:
      • Forward: Forward thrust like Black Knight’s thrust.
      • Up: Jumps up using his horns for damage.
      • Down: Same as side smash, but trips players.
    • Throw:
      • Grab: Grabs player.
      • Pummel: With the Shovel.
      • Forward: Side swipe with extra knockback.
      • Back: Similar to back aerial for Shovel Knight.
      • Up: Buries the enemy and digs them out and throws the player upward on the upswing.
      • Down: Short hop and pogo stick down.
    • Special
      • Neutral: Flare Wand Relic.
      • Side: Hop on Mobile Gear and traverse across the stage. Tilt the joystick the opposite direction to get off the gear. The gear travels off when he’s off, but does less damage when comes in contact with enemies.
      • Up: Propeller Dagger Relic but going upwards.
      • Down: Chaos Sphere Relic.
    • Final Smash: War Horn Relic.
  • Taunts:
    • Up Taunt: Shovel Knight’s death animation.
    • Side Taunt: Holding the shovel up in the air when he is victorious.
    • Down Taunt: Pulling out a pink colored gem with treasure fanfare playing.
  • Alternative Costumes: All armor colors from the game: Stalwart plate (blue), Final Guard (Light Red), Conjurer’s Coat (purple), Ornate Plate(gold),Mail of Momentum (black with red), and Dynamo Mail (grey).


4) Honorable Mention: Crono

  • Style: Sword Melee.
  • Weight Class: Medium with some heavy attacks.
  • Attacks:
    • Dash: Jumps and then slashes down, like Link’s but more along the lines with Samurai style and with a little more power.
    • Smash:
      • Neutral: Up slash, down slash, stab.
      • Side: Vertical slash down, tap Smash for upward strike like his double strike.
      • Up: Small overhead slash.
      • Down: Spin sweep.
    • Aerial:
      • Neutral: Air Horizontal slash.
      • Forward: Downward diagonal slash.
      • Back: Looks back and stabs behind him.
      • Up: Overhead slash like up smash, but with a smaller arc.
      • Down: Makes a slash underneath him
    • Tilt:
      • Forward: Vertical slash like his forward smash attack, but slightly quicker and weaker.
      • Up: Slash above his head.
      • Down: Sword sweep in front.
    • Throw:
      • Grab: Grab.
      • Pummel: Punch.
      • Forward: Down slash.
      • Back: Gets in front and stabs backward.
      • Up: Upward slash.
      • Down: Hop and downward stab (like a pogo stick).
    • Special
      • Neutral: Lightning Tech.
      • Side: Wind Slash Tech.
      • Up: Cyclone Tech, but lifts Crono upwards while attacking.
      • Down: Cleave Tech.
    • Final Smash: I’d be fine if one of these two were to be picked as his final smash:
      • Frenzy attack: A devastating attack that focuses on one enemy.
      • Flare Zone Triple tech: Crono would summon Lucca and Robo, then jumps towards Robo. Robo grabs Chrono and spins him around as Lucca readies her fire. Lucca would spit the fire into the whirl, creating the devastating fire tornado. This would last for a brief period of time, and any character caught in this will be damaged greatly enough to almost guarantee a KO.
  • Taunts:
    • Up Taunt: Takes out the sword and does a few practice swings.
    • Side Taunt: Victory Pose after winning a battle in Chrono Trigger.
    • Down Taunt: Turns towards the player and blinks.
  • Alternative Skins: Red Hair with blue shirt, Purple Hair with orange shirt(to look like Lucca), Blonde hair with light blue shirt (to look like Marle), Grey hair with metallic yellow (to look like Robo) Light green hair with forest green shirt(to look like Frog), Blonde hair with grey shirt (to look like Ayla), grey hair with dark blue shirt (to look like Magnus), black hair with orange shirt(to look like Goku. Come on, the cartoon animation looks too similar, why not give it a nod).


5) Joke Character: Phoenix Wright

  • Style: Melee, but with range.
  • Weight Class: Medium.
  • Attacks:
    • Dash: Trips with the cartoon trip sound effect.
    • Smash:
      • Neutral: Slaps the enemy with the court documents. Tap again for the back hand slap with the documents still in hand.
      • Side: Throws the court documents. The hand and the documents damage the player(s).
      • Up: Pulls out the documents in the uppercut motion.
      • Down: Takes out his court bench and slams his hands on it.
    • Aerial:
      • Neutral: Holds out the documents.
      • Forward: Sneezes.
      • Back: Turns around and back hand slaps with the court documents in hand.
      • Up: Pulls out the piece of evidence above his head as he’s observing it.
      • Down: Takes out his court bench and slams his fists on it, creating the meteor effect.
    • Tilt:
      • Forward: Sneezes.
      • Up: Puts his hands on his head like he has a headache.
      • Searches the ground for evidence.
    • Throw:
      • Grab: Regular grab.
      • Pummel: Slaps the Enemy.
      • Forward: Shows the evidence to the enemy, shocking them and then sending them away.
      • Back: Tosses the enemy over the shoulder like discarding the evidence.
      • Up: Tosses the enemy upward.
      • Down: Puts the enemy down in the ground and then Phoenix Wright investigates the ground and pulls them out of the ground.
    • Special
      • Neutral: Finds a random piece of evidence and takes it as an item. This can be thrown.
      • Side: OBJECTION pose with the signature speech bubble that damages players. The hand also damages the player, but the sweet spot is the speech bubble.
      • Up: Circus trampoline that launches him up (references to one of his cases in Justice For All).
      • Down: Maya runs a certain distance and pummels players.
    • Final Smash: Takes a single enemy to court to give them a cross examination to which he accuses the enemy of committing a crime, damaging the enemy. The judge appears with the gavel and slams on it repeatedly (damaging the enemy at each slam) while the judge yells “Order in the court! Is this true?” Phoenix yells “Yes and I have the evidence to prove this!”, damages the enemy again. He then takes out the evidence and then yells “This is what I have for indisputable evidence. You’re done for!” and takes out the evidence, damaging the player. Then the Judge yells “Case dismissed!” as he makes the final gavel smash, with the knock back big enough to KO the enemy at 55% in prior to the final smash.
  • Taunts:
    • Up Taunt: Grinning nervously while scratching on back of the head.
    • Side Taunt: Objection pose, sans the bubble. This one knocks the player back a bit on contact and deals minimal damage.
    • Down Taunt: Takes out the papers and examines them.
  • Alternative Costumes: The following costumes with 3 different colors each:
    • Classic Ace Attorney Suit (Blue, Black, Purple).
    • Pink Sweater with hospital mask from Trials and Tribulations (Pink, Yellow, Blue)
    •  Grey hoodie with a beanie from Apollo Justice (Grey, Black, White)
    • Dual Destinies Suit (Blue, Black, Purple).