Video: Capital Creative Showcase 2020

Since its foundation in 2013, Last Token Gaming has proudly been a part of the local game development scene in Sacramento, CA during its exponential growth. That mission only expanded in 2018, when we were recruited to help produce GPU the Show, a variety show that covers all aspects of gaming culture, including the local…





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Since its foundation in 2013, Last Token Gaming has proudly been a part of the local game development scene in Sacramento, CA during its exponential growth. That mission only expanded in 2018, when we were recruited to help produce GPU the Show, a variety show that covers all aspects of gaming culture, including the local goings on.

Due to the continued restrictions of quarantine, the Sacramento Developer Collective’s annual Capital Creative Showcase wasn’t able to convene in West Sacramento like usual. Fortunately, SDC was able to put together an exceptional online presentation that aired live on YouTube this past Saturday.

If you weren’t able to watch, well, have no fear! Both parts of the showcase are now uploaded to YouTube, and are included below in this post for everyone to see. Our lead editor Marshall Garvey served as co-host alongside Frank Muniz on behalf of GPU. Another of our staff, Isaac Smith, gave a microtalk on the Bfxr sound program. Multiple interviews were conducted by GPU producers and hosts Marshall, Matthew Gilliam, Donna Walters, and Nathan Allshouse.

While GPU and LTG are proud to be deeply involved with this year’s show, it has to be emphasized: the true spotlight is on the superb, dedicated talent that makes the River City shine in the vast world of video game production. Especially in such stringent times, they continue to excel in whole new ways. They deserve all the support and recognition imaginable!

The first part of the event was the Games Showcase, in which we previewed an eclectic variety of games from local devs. From filling in for a bedridden Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, to a donut-and-coffee tribute to Donkey Kong, there’s a lot of intriguing projects on tap.

After that was a block of insightful interviews with the developers themselves, as well as microtalks (including one from our own Isaac!) about game development and music.

Thanks for watching! To support Sacramento Developers Collective, the forthcoming projects, and GPU, check out the links below!

  1. Sacramento Developers Collective (Official Website)
  2. One Lonely Outpost Kickstarter
  3. Hacker Lab
  4. GPU the Show Twitch
  5. GPU Twitter
  6. GPU Facebook