What We’re Playing This Week – Wii U Edition

Terry Randolph – Undertale (Steam), Gears of War 4 Beta (Xbox One), Wonderful 101 (Wii U), Tom Clancy’s The Division (PS4) After getting to finally settle in, it’s time to tackle some more of the backlog with whatever time I may have. In this case, it’s tackling a game I’ve been playing off and on…




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Terry Randolph – Undertale (Steam), Gears of War 4 Beta (Xbox One), Wonderful 101 (Wii U), Tom Clancy’s The Division (PS4)

After getting to finally settle in, it’s time to tackle some more of the backlog with whatever time I may have. In this case, it’s tackling a game I’ve been playing off and on for 2 years; Wonderful 101 on the Wii U. This game has been a lot of fun, and I’ve definitely enjoyed it when I’ve played it, but it’s one of the few games where I find myself playing for a bit and taking an extended break. Not sure what is the reason for it, but there’s a few games in my library that are like that. I also need to finish Undertale because it’s another game I’ve started…but haven’t finished. It’s time to really take a step back from the games I’ve been playing as of late and play a few games that are different and engaging.

I will also be playing Tom Clancy’s The Division…but on the Playstation 4. It’s going to be interesting to play on a different console, with different friends, that will create a brand new experience in comparison to what I’ve played. It’ll also lead to a second review that is going to stand out from the review currently being finished (which should be out by Thursday or Friday).

Jake Rushing – Pokemon (Gameboy), Metroid 2: Return of Samus (Gameboy), Yoshi’s Wooly World (Wii U)

At the time of the writing, I managed to get halfway in Pokemon Yellow. I have managed to beat the 4th gym leader (Erika), and after spending about an hour at the Safari Zone, I managed to catch Exeggcute and Tauros (with the latter taking forever, but with the 10% appearance rate in Yellow making it easier). I hope that I can either come close to the Elite Four, or beat the Elite Four before the weekend.

Assuming that I managed to beat the Elite Four, I’ll continue playing Metroid 2 after getting to at least 20% completion in the game. I might be able to beat the game before this week, or I might be close by the time next week as well.

And last but not least, alongside getting Starfox Zero, I also picked up Yoshi’s Wooly World thanks to Gamestop rewards gift certificate. I tested out and added all of the amiibo costumes that I own