What We’re Playing This Week – April Fools Edition

By Jake Rushing Terry Randolph – Walking Dead: Season 3: Episode 3 (Xbox One), Overwatch (Playstation 4), Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation 4), half-Life 3 (April Fool’s) – Credit goes to MusicManTrailers x for this trailer.   This past week has been difficult to really get into gaming — been way too much out of the house and…




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By Jake Rushing

Terry Randolph – Walking Dead: Season 3: Episode 3 (Xbox One), Overwatch (Playstation 4), Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation 4), half-Life 3 (April Fool’s)

Credit goes to MusicManTrailers x for this trailer.


This past week has been difficult to really get into gaming — been way too much out of the house and very little time to actually sit down and play. That said, I think it’s becoming obvious that I’m incredibly hooked to Overwatch. The game has become a lot more exciting to me because of getting into the competitive scene – the games are much more even, about skill, and about team play. I’ve also been lucky to only experience toxicity once, and most people have been very good at calling out things or making sure to utilize team chat. I’m also working on learning Zarya (Pro Tip: She’s insanely fun, but takes a lot of time to master). I’m still in considered average as a player (SR 2195) but somehow the game has gone from “I have it” to “I love this game” (also helps not getting destroyed by my roommate in it unlike Super Smash Bros.)


I just finished the Walking Dead: Season 3: Episode 3 and am underway on completing the review. To summarize it: it’s a good experience, but it’s not a good TellTale experience. I’m also working on getting through Horizon: Zero Dawn to finally get to work on the review. The game is insanely immersive and reels me in on almost every detail – lore building, world design, etc.


Jake Rushing – Crash Bandicoot 2 – Cortez Strikes Back (PS1), Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (Switch), Kingdom Hearts 3 (April Fools)

Last week has been too much, but at least I made it. But unfortunately I didn’t get to the games that I planned on playing last week (except for Legend of Zelda).


Also, since my last week was a lot for me, I decided to turn to nostalgia, and it helped me get through last week. What game did I accidentally started playing again after putting it off for months? Crash Bandicoot 2 – Cortez Strikes Back. I bought this game via PS3’s PSN store long time ago (like back in early 2014), and other games came in my life that kept me from playing this game. Well except maybe a time or two last year when I played it briefly, but I made some good progress. Since I started playing it again last week, I made substantial progress with intention of completing this game 100%. At the time of this writing, I got over 80% and I just need to collect crystals and gems of the last 5 levels. I am planning on playing this game to achieve both endings, which I can pull of as of now in 2 or 3 good sessions.


Yup, I am still playing Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild again. Update on my quest to fully complete the important quests. I have completed 80 shrines, i have completed at least 80% of the memories, and I’m also in the middle of Divine Beast Von Medoh quest, my third Divine Beast quest. Once I’m done with the quest, I’ll work on completing side quests, complete more memories, and complete 20 more shrines.


Ben Fitzgerald – Baldur’s Gate (PC)

Life has been unreal and crazy lately, and I haven’t exactly had a lot of time to play games. But I have been playing Baldur’s Gate. I can’t ever seem to get enough of it, even though I know the story and what’s going to go down. It’s always fun to try out different party arrangements and ideas. I’ve never really tried to play an evil character, so I’m going to try experimenting with that soon.