Category: Commentary

  • Video Games: Art you can be bad at.

    “Video games are the only form of art which you can be bad at experiencing.”   A friend repeated those words to me a couple days ago, echoing a popular statement among game developers, game journalists and those who love the games, comedians and grumpy people who hate Ninja Gaiden everywhere. They represent a…

  • Dying Light’s Review Key Blunder, or: No More Embargoes!!!

    Dying Light’s Review Key Blunder, or: No More Embargoes!!!

    By Marshall Garvey   Good…..GOD. Did they learn nothing from the debacle that was Assassin’s Creed: Unity? Apparently not. For those who haven’t heard, Dying Light, Techland’s anticipated survival horror title, has hit an embarrassing snag just before its release tomorrow. After a declaration from lead designer Maciej Binkowski that the studio would be transparent…

  • The Multiplayer Effect

    How its influenced console gaming and the consequences of it by Terry Randolph and Chris Medrano Multiplayer has made a huge impact on console gaming over the years; whereas a stellar single-player campaign would be the focus of a game, multiplayer seems to have taken priority. Initially, it was hard to argue the benefits multiplayer…

  • Like a Bull in a China Shop

    Can games based on movies be good? What could be done to improve them? By Christopher Medrano & Terry Randolph Recently, Chris has had the pleasure of playing a string of horrible games; Fast and the Furious and RIPD (which you can read here). Not surprisingly, these two games are based off of movies recently in…

  • The Culprit Effect: When Video Games and Violence Collide Part 2

    The Culprit Effect: When Video Games and Violence Collide Part 2

    By Terry Randolph Part 1 of the article can be found here. Feature image graphic courtesy of the New York Times. Games containing violence tend to get bad reps in the wake of tragedies; they become the focal point of blame, discussion and contention for both the government and people. They are used to simplify the…

  • Part 2 of my article is delayed a day or two

    Hi everyone, I want to apologize, as my part two of “The Culprit Effect” article will be delayed for another day or two. Due to some circumstances and events that have happened (had a lot more work for my job than I anticipated) I was unable to get a draft of the article ready for publish.…

  • The Culprit Effect: When Video Games and Violence Collide, Part 1

    The Culprit Effect: When Video Games and Violence Collide, Part 1

    Violence has been hotly debated when it comes to video games. Is there really a correlation? Could it be something else? Or do we have enough data to prove anything? By Terry Randolph Ah, the beautiful, beautiful marriage of sensationalism and news, something so common that is also a travesty. It is always interesting to…

  • Living in a Sandbox World

    Living in a Sandbox World

    by Terry Randolph When does linear-storytelling become too constricting? Or an open-world game become too ambitious? A few months ago, I got into a debate with a friend whether or not the Mass Effect trilogy was a success or failure. My friend argued that the trilogy ultimately failed because it did not deliver the promises…

  • The Illusion of the Triple-A Title

    The Illusion of the Triple-A Title

    by Terry Randolph Business practices take over what used to be a title of creative innovation and exploration. Before jumpstarting the article, I understand that the concept of a “Triple-A” title game continues to morph and change and we advance in gaming hardware. However, for the current trend in gaming, three major factors determine how…