Tag: 3DS
What We’re Playing This Week – E3 and Back Again Edition
Terry Randolph – Persona 5 (Playstation 4), Battlefield 1 (Xbox One) I’m almost at the 50% mark of Persona 5 (at 44 hours too) but damn do I love this game. I’m finally starting to see what happens when you push too far too fast: having to face enemies about 6-7 levels over you that…
What We’re Playing This Week – Brace Yourself, Winter’s Ending
Jake Rushing – Donkey Kong (Gameboy), Pokémon Red (Gameboy), Fallout 4 (PS4) – Whelp, earlier last week, I got Donkey Kong from eBay, so I’ve been playing that the past few days, and I’ll continue to play that this week until I beat the game. I also got Fallout 4 and a PS4 last weekend…
Super Smash Bros. – Corrin Review
Representative of: Fire Emblem: Fates Released: February 3, 2016 Systems: Wii U, 3DS Important to Note: Corrin is a character that can be played as either a Male or Female, like in Fire Emblem: Fates. Therefore, in this article I do not use “he” or “she” pronouns and instead use “they”, “their” in respect to having no gender…
Super Smash Bros (Wii U.) – Mewtwo Impressions
For fighting games, I usually prefer speed over strength as the focus of my characters. It’s all about the fast, frenetic movement of pinpointing your shots and timing them perfectly. Sure it sacrifices power, but with speed a character can whittle away at the opponent until they’re weak. Once the opponent is weak and vulnerable,…
What We Want to Play Next Year – Last Token Gaming’s Most Anticipated Games of 2015
by Last Token Gaming 2014 was a bit of a doozy don’t you think? So much has happened in the year of gaming; 2014 is a year that brought up intense competition between two consoles, the renaissance of another, and swirling controversy that had wonderful intentions but became murky through mishandling. I think 2014 is…
It’s about time! Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U has a release date!
Rejoice Super SmashBrothers fans! Nintendo’s fighting game franchise finally has a release date for the Wii-U. For weeks, rumors have been circulating around that Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U was going to be released stateside November 21st thanks to this tweet by BoosDriveMonster. Now, the date has been confirmed, as well as a…
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Review: This reminds me of a case!
Developer: Level5/Capcom Publisher: Nintendo Rated: E Release Date: August 29th 2014 (US) Platform: 3DS MSRP: $29.99 A puzzle-solving gentleman crosses paths with a defense attorney who often aims to seek the truth to defend his client in the best of his ability. Even if their game series weren’t as well known and loved as they are today, this…
In the Valley of the Land of “HD” Remakes
Recently, Pokemon Company through Nintendo announced remakes of the games Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire renamed Alpha Ruby and Omega Sapphire. Like many Pokemon fans, I was excited although for a different reason; this was part of the series I had yet to play. With it coming to 3DS (and I’m missing my GameBoy Advance), I…