Tag: Final Fantasy

  • Backlog Files Review – Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

    Backlog Files Review – Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

    For every gamer, there is a pile of games we swear we get to. They get put on our shelves, only to sit there for a duration of time until we notice them again. These are known as games in the backlog or on the backburner. While waiting for new releases, we’ve decided we’ll play…

  • The Illusion of the Triple-A Title

    The Illusion of the Triple-A Title

    by Terry Randolph Business practices take over what used to be a title of creative innovation and exploration. Before jumpstarting the article, I understand that the concept of a “Triple-A” title game continues to morph and change and we advance in gaming hardware. However, for the current trend in gaming, three major factors determine how…