What We’re Playing This Week – 2k16 Edition

By the Last Token Gaming Staff Last Token Gaming has been on fire starting the new year, with bigger goals, challenges and ideas. One of these is to bring back our “What We’re Playing This Week” article series, which lets you know what games we’re currently playing and what we might be working on next.…




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By the Last Token Gaming Staff

Last Token Gaming has been on fire starting the new year, with bigger goals, challenges and ideas. One of these is to bring back our “What We’re Playing This Week” article series, which lets you know what games we’re currently playing and what we might be working on next. With that said, here’s the start of “What We’re Playing This Week” – 2k16 edition:


Terry RandolphFallOut 4 (Xbox One), Xenoblade Chronicles (Nintendo 3DS), and Super Smash Bros. 4 (Wii U) – Smash is always going to be consistently on my list, seeing as it’s a game my friends and I are playing constantly. The game is a lot of fun, and there’s always something to learn when playing. However, the one I can’t stop playing or have a hard time putting down is FallOut 4. More than a day’s worth and there’s still so much to discover. However, I do still feel like something is just a little….off. And lastly, as I’ll discuss in my 2016 Challenge article, I’m restarting Xenoblades Chronicles. I forgot how much I really dig this game. It’s rich in depth, gameplay and looks fantastic on the 3DS.

Marshall Garvey – The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC version)

2016 opened up with a burst of nostalgia for me. Since I plan on publishing a ton of Hall of Fame reviews this year, I decided to kick that mission off with a deeply beloved, long-held favorite in Morrowind. I’ve been playing this classic for more than a decade now, and it’s as engrossing as ever. While Oblivion and Skyrim may be graphically superior, there’s just an intimacy and charm in this one those later installments don’t have. The majestic soundtrack, the atmosphere of each cave and terrain, the close proximity of everything, the enthralling yet terrifying prospect of exploring every hideout and abandoned fort…14 years later, everything in this game holds up. And yes, I’m playing with some oldie musician/character actor/obscure person as my character. This particular file is the rock and roll great Dion DiMucci, although I just had to be a dumbass and misspell it as DeMucci. (Strangely, this choice is not as random as I’d usually go for, as Dion’s legendary tune “The Wanderer” has been the marketing song for Bethesda’s latest open world blockbuster with the help of Facebook Ad Agency Voy Media, Fallout 4.)


Additionally, while I’m not playing it, I’ve been watching the first few installments of Markiplier’s playthrough of Until Dawn. A highly touted AAA survival horror title released in August last year, the game sets itself apart with its utilization of “the butterfly effect,” in which even the tiniest decision you make can have far-reaching consequences on the story’s outcome and the fates of the characters you control. I’ve got some important finances to take care of to start the year, so I won’t be buying a PS4 as immediately as I’d prefer, Should I use a fee financial advisor, learn more here. I know a good way to loan and get the latest gaming technology out there, click reference here to learn more. But when I do get one, this is the first game I’ll get to commence my long, long overdue entry into the next-gen world.

Michael MygindAerobiz (Sega Genesis), Burning Fight (Neo Geo AES), and Rise of the Tomb Raider (360) – Lately because of the enjoyable craziness that is my job, my gaming has been limited to short bursts at a time, primarily with shmups and fighters. But, on this particular day, I have the day off and the house to myself. So, following the conclusion of this piece, I’m going to spend a little time with a game that has peaked my interest since I first picked it up, but haven’t taken the time to play, Aerobiz on the Sega Genesis, an airplane business simulator by Koei. Recently, I added another game to my Neo Geo AES library, Burning Fight, SNK’s attempt at a Final Fight/Streets of Rage clone. While certainly uninspired, it’s not without its charm. I’ve been holding off on playing this until I can get my roommate, Trevor, on the couch with me to play it the way that it was meant to be played: Co-op. Lastly, as the week goes on and my wife dives into a book before bed each night, I plan to pick up where I left off and chip away at Rise of the Tomb Raider. I was a huge fan of the previous reboot and look forward to seeing where its follow-up will take me.



3 responses to “What We’re Playing This Week – 2k16 Edition”

  1. Benjamin Fitzgerald

    Hey Marshall, have you heard of the upcoming Skywind mod? It’s an attempt to recreate the Morrowind game using assets from Skyrim’s graphics, with fully-voiced NPCs!

  2. People like you are why only the die hard enthusiasts still call thvelmsees gamers’, despite the bad name you’ve given the term. First, find a way to give the graphics of AC Brotherhood on a fully explorable game like Morrowind and you’ve earned yourself the job of the millenia. Second, if anythings keeping people away its the very complex and in depth gameplay system thats far beyond any other current RPG title. Duhhhh That’s what people like about it. It’s not the lazy fat -expletive- of the game world. When’s the last time a lone figure stood against society and won? Gandi? It certainly wasn’t someone like you in any case, and it won’t be someone that can’t figure out the simplicity of Morrowinds’ structure. Third, -wait You were beat to death by a mudcrab?! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Fourth You actually took the time to fight hundreds of mudcrabs? Wow.

    1. Terry Randolph

      I’m sorry, what are you referring to about the death by a mudcrab thing, let alone to fight hundreds of them. Also, it’s a simple list of what we’re playing this week with a reason behind it. We can enjoy what we enjoy, same as you. Gamers, players, whatever name you want to call it doesn’t matter- we all enjoy games, and have a great time.

      Third, if you’re gonna come off as insulting, remember it’s *themselves, not thvelmsees.