What We’re Playing This Week, Sixth Edition

By the Last Token Gaming Staff   Marshall Garvey: So, you’re expecting me to kick off this edition of WWPTW with my usual blurb about a classic game, a veritable warm-up to its Hall of Fame Review? Don’t ya? Well, shocker: I’M PLAYING A CURRENT TITLE!!! Due to the apparent loss of my main game…





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By the Last Token Gaming Staff


Marshall Garvey: So, you’re expecting me to kick off this edition of WWPTW with my usual blurb about a classic game, a veritable warm-up to its Hall of Fame Review? Don’t ya? Well, shocker: I’M PLAYING A CURRENT TITLE!!! Due to the apparent loss of my main game save files on Red Dead Redemption, I’ve chosen to delay its HOF Review until sometime next year. Thus, my current fix is one of this year’s most anticipated titles (and a birthday purchase for myself), Alien: Isolation. As you may recall, I gushed about its potential earlier this year in our E3 reflections piece, and for good reason. Not only did it present the opportunity for a great game for the Alien franchise after previous missed opportunities (looking in your general direction, Aliens: Colonial Marines), but it’s explicitly dedicated to taking the atmosphere of the 1979 Ridley Scott classic and sprawling it over an entire survival horror game. Not only are you giving it your all to survive just one alien, but you’re forced to do so with minimal weapons and accessories. In a time when we’re conditioned to think of survival horror as nothing but incinerating hordes of monsters with a cartoonishly humongous armada of weapons, having a game this bare bones in its aesthetic is a welcome change of pace (and hopefully a trendsetter). I’m still early in the game, so I’ll save my details perhaps for my own review. Additionally, as a bleeding hearts fan of the original movie, I can’t wait to dive into the bonus mode where you can play as Ripley, Dallas, and Parker! (Sadly, you can’t play as Ripley’s cat or Mother.) Here’s hoping the top-tier 1986 sequel Aliens gets a comparable great game as well, and very soon.


Michael Mygind: I recently made a trade with a good buddy of mine for a Neo Geo CD in great condition with a binder full of burned games. So, when I haven’t been busy planning my upcoming wedding, my time has been occupied with that. I’ve been playing Real Bout: Fatal Fury and Samurai Shodown III the most. With the exception of some hefty load times on certain games, it’s a great system with some identical home ports of SNK’s classic arcade games. I’ve also been playing a lot of Street Fighter II for a little piece I’m working on, and plan to finally start playing Bioshock: Infinite for the 360.


Jake Rushing: After picking up Pokemon: Omega Ruby on release day and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, I feel that I’ll be spending my free time playing those games. Wait, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix is coming out tomorrow?? Shoot. Well I guess I’m adding that to my list for this week. 


Terry Randolph: One title: Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD…err, actually i’ll be trying to play both 1.5 and 2.5 since I’ve been trying to finish the first for a HOF review. Aside from that, I’m eagerly anticipating starting to do every other day Let’s Play videos starting with Never Alone, which I’ve been anticipating for months! Mix that in with the occasional game of Super Smash Bros. and Alien: Isolation, and the busy season of gaming is only going to be continuing!



Sean WIllis: Smash Bros, Smash Bros, more Smash Bros. Thought I had enough with the 3DS version but the Wii U version has a lot more than I expected to it. Sometimes I forget which one I’m playing though, but training my Amiibo Fox has been rather fun. Love that Duck Hunt dog/duo character though, just…best thing ever. Other than that Elliot Quest was finished not long ago, a nice indie platformer that I’ve been giving a good run. Oh, and some retro game hacks, Sonic Classic Heroes in particular I can’t recommend enough. Mostly due to fixing up a gift for a family member, but any excuse to play it again is good enough for me.



One response to “What We’re Playing This Week, Sixth Edition”

  1. Jordan Nelson

    As always I will be playing League of Legends. This week, next week, and every week. There is no stopping.