Author: Jake Rushing
What We’re Playing This Week – First Week of June Edition
Jake Rushing – Xenogears (PS1), Fire Emblem Fates Birthright (3DS) Man, grinding and farming in RPGs isn’t fun. I am sure it will be worth it when I get to tear the final dungeon a new one in Xenogears. I am already halfway through the farming. I need a few more sessions to get the…
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment Review
Release Date: April 5th, 2017 (For PC only. Other release dates vary among different systems) Developer: Yacht Club Games Publisher: Yacht Club Games Genre: Platformer System: PC (Reviewed), Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Playstation 3, 3DS, PSVita, Linux It is that time again, where I uphold the LTG tradition of reviewing every released…
A little history lesson in Super Scope
The gamers who grew up with the NES remembers the good ol’ days of playing Duck Hunt just for the fun of shooting ducks, getting laughed by the dog, and sometimes, shooting that annoying dog (guilty of doing the last one. He did get on my nerves) with the NES Zapper gun. That light gun…
What We’re Playing This Week – May Madness Edition
Terry Randolph – Persona 5 (PS4) Persona 5, that’s all I’m honestly going to want to (and probably will play). This game had me incredibly hooked the moment I started the game. The game is very confident of itself in providing a cohesive experience; atmosphere, gameplay design, music texture, art style…it’s a game I…
What We’re Playing This Week – Hoppy Easter Edition
By Jake Rushing Terry Randolph – Wonderful 101 (Wii U), Horizon: Zero Dawn, Overwatch (Playstation 4) After having borrowed the game for 2 years, I’ve finally beaten Wonderful 101. I can’t quite understand why it’s taken me so long to beat the game because I’ve honestly had a great experience playing the game. The variation…
What We’re Playing This Week – April Fools Edition
By Jake Rushing Terry Randolph – Walking Dead: Season 3: Episode 3 (Xbox One), Overwatch (Playstation 4), Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation 4), half-Life 3 (April Fool’s) – Credit goes to MusicManTrailers x for this trailer. This past week has been difficult to really get into gaming — been way too much out of the house and…
Nintendo Switch Review
Switch Review So the time is finally here; from rumor mills, to official reveal to the release date, we have been anticipating on Nintendo’s newest console, Nintendo Switch. After enduring many months of rumors, we can finally put all of the anticipation to rest as the public finally gets to experience on what the…
What We’re Playing This Week – Springtime Edition
By Jake Rushing Jake Rushing – Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (Switch), Super Bomberman R (Switch), 1-2 (Switch), Xenogears (PSOne) Alright so I have been playing mostly Legend of Zelda this month so far. I can’t get enough of exploration, having seemingly endless ways to go about for exploring, etc. It’s a…
What We’re Playing This Week – Happy St. Patrick’s Day Edition
Jake Rushing – Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (Switch), Super Bomberman R (Switch), Fire Emblem Heroes (Mobile), Xenogears (PS1) This week, I’ll continue to play my Switch games just for the sake of writing a review for the console. Although Zelda is sucking me in. I can’t help myself! I’ll have to…
The Last Guardian Review
By Jake Rushing Developer: SIE Japan Studio Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Release Date: December 6th, 2016 Platform: Playstation 4 After being in development hell for over 8 years, The Last Guardian was finally released to the store shelves, a moment that the loyal fans of the creators of Ico and Shadow of the…